Harvest Moon: Back to Nature
Crops, Animals, and Recipes
WARNING: This guide could contain spoilers! Please keep that in mind as you read.
What's a farm without crops? Well, I'll tell you right now, it's boring and you don't earn as much money. They are essential for completing all of the recipes in the game and unlocking all of the crops at the Supermarket. They also make great gifts for villagers. The only downside is that you can't grow any crops during Winter unless you have a Hothouse.
The most efficient way of growing crops is to plant just like how the seeds come out of the pouch: in a 3x3 square. Till the soil in that fashion:
Now, this may be the most efficient, however for that time when your watering can is not fully upgraded, the best layout may be to cut out a crop from one of the middle sides. This is the style suggested in the game manual. For instance:
Most plants will go away when you pick the crop from them. However, there are some which will stay and keep producing more crops every few days. Also, unless you have a Hothouse, you can only grow certain crops during certain seasons.
Let's go through each crop and flower you can grow, how much they cost to buy, which shop to buy them, how long they take to grow, if they regrow, and how much they sell for.
Spring Crops
Turnips 120G Supermarket 5 days Doesn't regrow 60G
Potatoes 150G Supermarket 8 days Doesn't regrow 80G
Cucumbers 200G Supermarket 10 days 5 regrow days 75G
Cabbages 500G Won's Shop 15 days Doesn't regrow 117G
Strawberries 150G Supermarket 9 days 2 regrow days 84G*
Toy Flower 300G Won's Shop 12 days Doesn't regrow Doesn't sell
Moondrop Flower 300G Won's Shop 6 days Doesn't regrow Doesn't sell**
The most profitable are cabbages.
*Strawberries will only be available after you have shipped 100 turnips, 100 potatoes, 100 cucumbers, and 100 cabbages.
**Moondrop will only be available after Karen has given you Moondrop seeds to plant.
Summer Crops
Tomatoes 200G Supermarket 8 days 3 regrow days 60G
Corn 300G Supermarket 15 days 3 regrow days 100G
Onions 150G Supermarket 8 days Doesn't regrow 80G
Pineapples 1,000G Won's Shop 21 days 5 regrow days 500G
Pumpkin 500G Supermarket 15 days Doesn't regrow 250G*
Pink Cat Flower 200G Won's Shop 6 days Doesn't regrow Doesn't sell
The most profitable are pineapples.
*Pumpkins will only be available after you have shipped 100 tomatoes, 100 corn, 100 onions, and 100 pineapples.
Fall Crops
Eggplants 120G Supermarket 10 days 3 regrow days 80G
Carrots 300G Supermarket 8 days Doesn't regrow 120G
Sweet Potatoes 300G Supermarket 6 days 3 regrow days 120G
Green Peppers 150G Won's Shop 8 days 2 regrow days 40G
Spinach 200G Supermarket 6 days Doesn't regrow 80G*
Magic Red Flower 600G Won's Shop 10 days Doesn't regrow 200G**
The most profitable are Sweet Potatoes.
*Spinach will only be available after you have shipped 100 eggplants, 100 carrots, 100 sweet potatoes, and 100 green peppers.
**The only Magic Red Flower that you can sell are the ones that grow red. The blue ones are not sellable.
Special Crops
Grass 500G Supermarket 11 days 7 regrow days Doesn't sell
Grass is able to be planted any season except Winter. It is used to make fodder for your cows and sheep.
Orange Cup Fruit 1,000G Won's Shop 8 days Doesn't regrow 60G
Orange Cup are the only plants which are only able to grow in the Hothouse.
A great way to consistently earn money is to take care of animals. Chickens are the way to start out, but cows and sheep will big in the dough. However, some of your animals are pets. Every animal doesn't like to be outside when it's raining, but they love the sunshine. Try to have all of your animals outside when it's sunny and bring them in when it is rainy. Also, you should make a fence so that stray dogs can't get to them. If you leave them outside in the rain, they could get sick (you can buy medicine from either the Poultry Farm or Yodel Ranch).
Your Dog

The very first animal that you will own will be your dog. You name him when you start the game. He automatically shows up on your farm as a puppy. At first, he's pretty useless, but he gets better as his heart level increases. Picking him up every day will help him grow to love you. He grows into an adult cow by Fall of year one: just in time for training for the Dog Race.
The Dog Race is really the only thing your dog is useful for. In order to do well, increase his heart level as high as you can and toss him the ball that Won sells to you to increase his intelligence.
There is an event where in the second year, Bailey will come visit your farm and offer to take your dog to visit with his dog. After a few weeks, he will bring back your dog and announce that his dog, Hana, is pregnant. Wait another week and give a puppy to either Stu or Harris.
Your Horse
At the first year, the first time you visit Yodel Ranch you will be met with a cut scene of Barley and May surrounding a pony basically saying that they cannot care for it. This is when he offers to let you raise the pony. You name him and take him home to raise for a year. If you take good care of him and he has high heart levels, you can keep him. If you do not get to keep him, if you plant plenty of grass, Barley will come back by with a new pony.
Raising his heart level is easy, talk to him every day and brush him. You can buy a brush from Saibara for 800G.
Owning a horse becomes instantly beneficial when he grows up. First you will notice that he now always has on a saddle. I guess he just grew it? Anyway, that means that you can now ride him. It also means that he is a walking shipment box. Throw some crops at him and it ships at the end of the day. You can also enter him into the Horse Race.
For your horse to do well in the Horse Race, ride him every day and keep his heart levels up. Doing this will make your chances of winning so much higher.
If you manage your money well, you should be able to afford a chicken in the first few weeks in the game. You can buy a chicken at the Poultry Farm by talking to Lillia. An adult chicken is 1,500G along with some chicken feed being 10G each.
You can bypass having to pay for feed by two ways. First, during the summer if you grow some corn and place it into your water mill, you can grind it into chicken feed. The second method is bringing your chickens outside into your field where they will eat worms in the ground. Make sure that they are encircled by a fence so that stray dogs can't get to them.
At first you can only have five chickens, but when you upgrade your hen house, you can have a total of ten chickens.
Chickens are pretty easy farm animals. All you really have to do is feed them every day and they will keep producing eggs granted that they aren't sick. In order to hatch a chick, you just have to place an egg in the incubator. It will hatch three days then mature in 9 days.
In order to make more money with chickens and their eggs, you can get Saibara to build a mayonnaise maker for 20,000G and adamantite. Let me tell you, it's worth it. Mayonnaise is about double the price of a normal egg.
During the summer, you can enter one of your feathery friends into the Chicken Festival where she will compete sumo-style. If your hen wins, the next day she will start producing golden eggs.
After saving up some more, you should now be able to afford a sheep. You can buy one from Barley for 4,000G. Along with some feed which is 20G each. You will also want some clippers from Saibara, which he sells for 1,800G.
Potentially, you could have ten sheep at first. After you upgrade the barn, you could potentially have twenty sheep.
Sheep only require being fed every day (unless outside with grown grass). However, you can raise the heart levels if you talk to her and brush her every day. You can make a sheep pregnant by buying S.M. Potion for 3,000G from Barley, but it's not really worth it. You will be down a sheep's production for a month for 1,000G less than buying an adult sheep. A sheep will become an adult after 15 days.
Every seven days, you can sheer a sheep. The wool is quite a bit on its own, but like the mayonnaise maker, you can have a yarn maker. It also costs 20,000G from Saibara along with adamantite. Like the mayonnaise, the price of yarn is double the amount of wool.
During the Fall, you can enter the Sheep Festival with an adult sheep with wool who is not pregnant. Your sheep will have a high chance of winning if she has high heart levels. The next day, she will start producing golden wool.
The cow is probably the biggest money-making animal that you will own. One costs 6,000G from Barley along with 20G each for some feed. You will also want a milker from Saibara, which he sells for 2,000G.
Like, the sheep, at first you can have up to ten cows. When you upgrade the barn, then you could have up to twenty cows.
Cows also only require to be fed every day (unless outside with grown grass). You can also raise their heart levels by talking to them and brushing them. A cow can become pregnant if you buy and use C.M. Potion on her from Barley for 3,000G. I still do not recommend doing this. The pregnant cow will stay pregnant for about a month where she won't produce milk all that time. A cow will mature in 15 days.
Milking will become your best friend. Even starting out with s milk, you can ship it for as much as s wool. Of course you can buy a cheese maker from Saibara for 20,000G and adamantite which will also double the price.
During the Summer, you can enter your cow in the Cow Festival if she is not pregnant. Your cow will have a high chance of winning if she has a high heart level. If she does win, she will produce golden milk.
While these aren't really a pet or an animal for that, they do produce products for you to sell. While you don't directly interact with them, they do live on your farm.
When the first flowers you plant bloom on your farm, a bee will set up shop in your apple tree and start making some honey. You can get one honey every day.
If you give a honey to Louis, he will come to your farm shortly after and tell you that the bees on your farm are rare. As a result, honey will now ship for a little more.
WARNING: In order to make every recipe in the game, you will need to save a stone from when you are clearing out your field. Also, you will need 2 chocolate from the Winter Thanksgiving Festival.
This part of the game is definitely not required, but it can be pretty fun to accidentally make a recipe by putting together some ingredients. You will get a kitchen with your second house upgrade. No, you can't begin cooking as soon as you upgrade it. You need some cooking utensils. To buy these, just watch the Shopping Channel on Saturday. When you see an item you want, go to the Inn, and talk on the phone (next to where you order) to buy it.
Knife 3,000G
Frying Pan 2,500G
Pot 2,000G
Mixer 2,500G
Whisk 5,000G
Rolling Pin 1,500G
Oven 5,000G
Seasoning Set 5,000G
The item you ordered will take three days to get there, so hopefully you're not in a hurry. Ironically, Zack shows up with it on Tuesday, which is also the day that the Cooking Show airs. Sometimes you have to get a villager to tell you how to make a recipe before you can make it. Just give them gifts until they tell you. Now, let's go through some recipes. Since I have not made all of these recipes, I have looked at another site: harvestmoonbacktonatureguide.com They are pretty informative.
Apple Jam
Learn this recipe from Louis
Utensils: Pot
Ingredients: Apple
Seasoning: Sugar
Optional: Honey, Wine
Apple Pie
Utensils: Knife, Oven, Pot, Rolling Pin
Ingredients: Apple, Butter, Egg, Flour
Seasoning: Sugar
Optional: Honey, Wine
Bamboo Rice
Utensils: None
Ingredients: Bamboo Shoot, Rice Ball
Seasoning: None
Optional: Knife, Salt, Soy Sauce
Boiled Egg
Utensils: Pot
Ingredients: Egg
Seasoning: None
Optional: Salt
Utensils: Mixer
Ingredients: Milk
Seasoning: None
Optional: None
Utensils: Oven, Whisk
Ingredients: Butter, Egg, Flour
Seasoning: Sugar
Optional: Knife, Apple, Honey, Pineapple, Strawberry, Wild Grape
Cheese Fondue
Learn this recipe from Doug
Utensils: Pot
Ingredients: Bread, Cheese
Seasoning: None
Optional: Knife, Wine, Salt
Utensils: Oven, Pot, Whisk
Ingredients: Cheese, Egg, Milk
Seasoning: Sugar
Optional: Honey
Chirashi Sushi
Utensils: Knife
Ingredients: Rice Ball, Sashimi, Scrambled Eggs
Seasoning: Vinegar
Optional: Cucumber, Soy Sauce
Chocolate Cake
Utensils: Oven, Whisk
Ingredients: Butter, Chocolate, Egg, Flour
Seasoning: Sugar
Optional: Knife, Apple, Honey, Pineapple, Strawberry, Wild Grape
Chocolate Cookie
Learn this recipe from Sasha
Utensils: Oven, Rolling Pin
Ingredients: Butter, Chocolate, Egg, Flour
Seasoning: Sugar
Optional: Honey
Utensils: Oven, Rolling Pin
Ingredients: Butter, Egg, Flour
Seasoning: Sugar
Optional: Honey
Utensils: Pot
Ingredients: Curry Powder, Rice Ball
Seasoning: None
Optional: Knife, Bamboo Shoot, Boiled Egg, Cheese, Chocolate, Corn, Egg, Fish (any size), Grape Juice, Green Pepper, Potato, Mushroom, Oil, Pumpkin, Spinach, Sweet Potato, Tomato, Truffle, Turnip, Vegetable Juice, Wild Grape, Wine, Salt, Soy Sauce, Sugar
Curry Noodles
Utensils: Knife, Pot, Rolling Pin
Ingredients: Curry Powder, Flour OR Curry Powder, Noodles
Seasoning: None
Optional: Bamboo Shoot, Cabbage, Carrot, Egg, Eggplant, Fish (any size), Green Pepper, Mushroom, Onion, Sweet Potato, Turnip, Truffle, Miso Paste, Salt, Soy Sauce, Sugar
Dinner Roll
Utensils: None
Ingredients: Bread, Butter
Seasoning: None
Optional: Honey
Fried Noodles
Learn this recipe from Zack
Utensils: Frying Pan
Ingredients: Noodles, Oil
Seasoning: None
Optional: None
Fried Rice
Learn this recipe from Harris
Utensils: Frying Pan
Ingredients: Egg, Oil, Rice Ball
Seasoning: Salt, Soy Sauce, Sugar
Optional: Knife, Bamboo Shoot, Boiled Egg, Cabbage, Carrot, Corn, Cucumber, Fish (any size), Green Pepper, Grilled Fish, Mushroom, Onion, Sashimi, Scrambled Eggs, Spinach, Stir Fry, Truffle, Wine
Learn this recipe from fishing at the Beach
Utensils: Frying Pan, Knife
Ingredients: Oil, Potato
Seasoning: None
Optional: Ketchup, Salt
Fruit Juice
Utensils: Mixer
Ingredients: At least one of these: Apple, Pineapple, Strawberry, Wild Grape
Seasoning: None
Optional: Knife, Honey, Sugar
Fruit Latte
Learn this recipe from Basil
Utensils: Mixer
Ingredients: Fruit Juice, Milk
Seasoning: None
Optional: Knife, Honey, Sugar
Grape Jam
Utensils: Pot
Ingredients: Wild Grapes
Seasoning: Sugar
Optional: Honey, Wine, Salt
Learn this recipe from Manna
Utensils: Pot
Ingredients: Spinach
Seasoning: Soy Sauce
Optional: None
Grilled Fish
Utensils: Frying Pan
Ingredients: Medium Fish
Seasoning: None
Optional: Salt, Soy Sauce
Happy Eggplant
Utensils: Frying Pan
Ingredients: Eggplant
Seasoning: Miso Paste, Sugar, Soy Sauce
Optional: None
Hot Milk
Utensils: Pot
Ingredients: Milk
Seasoning: None
Optional: Sugar
Ice Cream
Learn this recipe from Barley
Utensils: Pot, Whisk
Ingredients: Egg, Milk
Seasoning: Sugar
Optional: Knife, Apple, Pineapple, Strawberry, Wild Grape
Jam Bun
Utensils: None
Ingredients: Bread, at least one: Apple Jam, Grape Jam, Strawberry Jam
Seasoning: None
Optional: None
Learn this recipe by digging it up in the Winter Mine
Utensils: Mixer
Ingredients: Tomato, Onion
Seasoning: Salt, Sugar, Vinegar
Optional: None
Mayonnaise Small
Utensils: Whisk
Ingredients: Normal Egg (low heart level chicken), Oil
Seasoning: Vinegar
Optional: None
Mayonnaise Medium
Utensils: Whisk
Ingredients: Good Egg (medium heart level chicken), Oil
Seasoning: Vinegar
Optional: None
Mayonnaise Large
Utensils: Whisk
Ingredients: Excellent Egg (high heart level chicken), Oil
Seasoning: Vinegar
Optional: None
Mayonnaise Extra Large
Utensils: Whisk
Ingredients: Gold Egg, Oil
Seasoning: Vinegar
Optional: None
Miso Soup
Utensils: Pot
Ingredients: at least one: Bamboo Shoot, Cabbage, Carrot, Corn, Eggplant, Green Pepper, Mushroom, Onion, Potato, Pumpkin, Small Fish, Spinach, Sweet Potato, Turnip
Seasoning: Miso Paste
Optional: Knife, Salt, Soy Sauce
Mixed Juice
Learn this recipe from the Doctor
Utensils: Mixer
Ingredients: Fruit Juice, Vegetable Juice
Seasoning: None
Optional: Knife, Bamboo Shoot, Corn, Cucumber, Eggplant, Grape Juice, Green Pepper, Mushroom, Onion, Spinach, Tomato, Truffle, Turnip, Salt, Sugar
Mixed Latte
Utensils: Mixer
Ingredients: Mixed Juice, Milk
Seasoning: None
Optional: Knife, Salt, Sugar
Mushroom Rice
Utensils: None
Ingredients: Mushroom, Rice Ball
Seasoning: None
Optional: Knife, Salt, Soy Sauce
Utensils: Knife, Pot, Rolling Pin
Ingredients: Flour
Seasoning: None
Optional: Bamboo Shoot, Cabbage, Carrot, Egg, Eggplant, Fish (any size), Green Pepper, Mushroom, Onion, Sweet Potato, Truffle, Turnip, Salt, Soy Sauce, Sugar
Utensils: Frying Pan
Ingredients: Egg, Milk, Oil
Seasoning: None
Optional: Whisk, Bamboo Shoot, Cabbage, Carrot, Cheese, Corn, Eggplant, Fish (any size), Green Pepper, Ketchup, Mayonnaise, Onion, Potato, Pumpkin, Sweet Potato, Truffle, Salt
Pickled Turnips
Learn this recipe from Saibara
Utensils: Knife
Ingredients: Turnip
Seasoning: Vinegar
Optional: Salt, Soy Sauce
Utensils: None
Ingredients: Cucumber
Seasoning: Salt
Optional: Knife
Utensils: Oven, Rolling Pin
Ingredients: Cheese, Flour, Ketchup
Seasoning: None
Optional: Knife, Bamboo Shoot, Carrot, Corn, Egg, Eggplant, Green Pepper, Mayonnaise, Mushroom, Onion, Pineapple, Potato, Pumpkin, Sweet Potato, Tomato, Truffle, Salt, Sugar
Learn this recipe from Kai
Utensils: Frying Pan
Ingredients; Corn
Seasoning: None
Optional: Butter
Pumpkin Pudding
Utensils: Oven, Pot
Ingredients: Egg, Milk, Pumpkin
Seasoning: Sugar
Optional: Honey, Wine
Raisin Bread
Utensils: None
Ingredients: Bread, Wild Grape
Seasoning: None
Optional: None
Relaxation Tea
Utensils: Pot
Ingredients: Relaxtion Tea Leaves (you get them from the Harvest Sprite's Tea Party)
Seasoning: None
Optional: Knife, Apple, Blue Grass, Green Grass, Honey, Milk, Orangecup Fruit, Pineapple, Red Grass, Wild Grape, Wine, Sugar
Rice Omelet
Utensils: Frying Pan
Ingredients: Egg, Milk, Oil, Rice Ball
Seasoning: None
Optional: Whisk, Bamboo Shoot, Cabbage, Carrot, Cheese, Corn, Eggplant, Fish (any size), Green Pepper, Ketchup, Mayonnaise, Mushroom, Onion, Potato, Pumpkin, Spinach, Sweet Potato, Truffle, Salt, Soy Sauce, Sugar
Roasted Potatoes
Utensils: Oven
Ingredients: Small Stone, Sweet Potato
Seasoning: None
Optional: Salt, Sugar
Utensils: Knife
Ingredients: Cabbage, Carrot, Cucumber, Tomato
Seasoning: None
Optional: Apple, Boiled Egg, Cheese, Corn, Green Pepper, Mayonnaise, Mushroom, Oil, Pineapple, Potato, Strawberry, Truffle, Turnip, Salt, Vinegar
Learn this recipe from Ellen
Utensils: Knife
Ingredients: Bread, Cucumber, Tomato
Seasoning; None
Optional: Apple, Boiled Egg, Butter, Cababge, Carrot, Cheese, Corn, Cucumber, Fish (any size), Honey, Mayonnaise, Mushroom, Onion, Pineapple, Potato, Strawberry, Sweet Potato, Tomato, Truffle, Wild Grape, Wine, Salt
Learn this recipe from Greg
Utensils: Knife
Ingredients: Large Fish OR Medium Fish
Seasoning: None
Optional: Soy Sauce
Scrambled Eggs
Learn this recipe from Lillia
Utensils: Frying Pan
Ingredients; Egg, Oil
Seasoning: None
Optional: Whisk, Butter, Mayonnaise, Salt, Soy Sauce, Sugar
Utensils: Pot
Ingredients: Flour, Milk
Seasoning: Salt
Optional: Knife, Apple, Bamboo Shoot, Chocolate, Fish, Grape Juice, Green Pepper, Honey, Oil, Pineapple, Spa-Boiled Egg, Spinach, Sweet Potato, Tomato, Turnip, Vegetable Juice, Wild Grape, Wine
Stir Fry
Utensils: Frying Pan, Knife
Ingredients: Cabbage, Oil
Seasoning: Soy Sauce
Optional: Bamboo Shoot, Carrot, Corn, Cucumber, Eggplant, Green Pepper, Mushroom, Onion, Potato, Spinach, Sweet Potato, Tomato, Truffle, Turnip
Strawberry Jam
Utensils: Pot
Ingredients: Strawberry
Seasoning: Sugar
Optional: None
Strawberry Milk
Learn this recipe from Carter
Utensils: Mixer
Ingredients: Milk, Strawberry
Seasoning: None
Optional: Honey, Salt, Sugar
Utensils: None
Ingredients: Rice Ball, Sashimi
Seasoning: Vinegar
Optional: Soy Sauce
Sweet Potato
Learn this recipe from Chef (the red sprite)
Utensils: Oven, Pot
Ingredients: Butter, Egg, Sweet Potato
Seasoning: Sugar
Optional: None
Utensils: Frying Pan
Ingredients: Egg, Flour, Oil
Seasoning: None
Optional: Whisk, Boiled Egg, Cabbage, Carrot, Chocolate, Cucumber, Eggplant, Fish (any size), Green Pepper, Mushroom, Pineapple, Poisonous Mushroom, Potato, Pumpkin, Sweet Potato, Truffle, Turnip
Tempura Noodles
Utensils: Pot
Ingredients: Noodles, Tempura
Seasoning: None
Optional: Cabbage, Carrot, Egg, Fish, Mushroom, Sweet Potato, Turnip, Truffle, Miso Paste, Salt, Sugar, Soy Sauce
Tomato Juice
Utensils: Mixer
Ingredients: Tomato
Seasoning: None
Optional: Salt
Truffle Rice
Utensils: None
Ingredients; Rice Ball, Truffle
Seasoning: None
Optional: Knife, Salt, Soy Sauce
Vegetable Juice
Utensils: Mixer
Ingredients: at least one: Cabbage, Carrot, Cucumber
Seasoning: None
Optional: Knife, Bamboo Shoot, Corn, Cheese, Egg, Eggplant, Green Pepper, Onion, Spinach, Truffle, Turnip, Salt
Veggie Latte
Utensils: Mixer
Ingredients: Milk, Vegetable Juice
Seasoning: None
Optional: Knife, Bamboo Shoot, Cheese, Corn, Egg, Eggplant, Green Pepper, Onion, Spinach, Truffle, Turnip, Salt
Veggie Pancake
Learn this recipe from Gotz
Utensils: Frying Pan, Knife
Ingredients: Cabbage, Egg, Flour, Oil
Seasoning: None
Optional: Bamboo Shoot, Carrot, Cheese, Cucumber, Eggplant, Fish (any size), Mayonnaise, Milk, Mushroom, Potato, Pumpkin, Spinach, Truffle, Salt, Soy Sauce
Dinner Roll
Utensils: None
Ingredients: Bread, Butter
Seasoning: None
Optional: Honey
Fried Noodles
Learn this recipe from Zack
Utensils: Frying Pan
Ingredients: Noodles, Oil
Seasoning: None
Optional: None
Fried Rice
Learn this recipe from Harris
Utensils: Frying Pan
Ingredients: Egg, Oil, Rice Ball
Seasoning: Salt, Soy Sauce, Sugar
Optional: Knife, Bamboo Shoot, Boiled Egg, Cabbage, Carrot, Corn, Cucumber, Fish (any size), Green Pepper, Grilled Fish, Mushroom, Onion, Sashimi, Scrambled Eggs, Spinach, Stir Fry, Truffle, Wine
Learn this recipe from fishing at the Beach
Utensils: Frying Pan, Knife
Ingredients: Oil, Potato
Seasoning: None
Optional: Ketchup, Salt
Fruit Juice
Utensils: Mixer
Ingredients: At least one of these: Apple, Pineapple, Strawberry, Wild Grape
Seasoning: None
Optional: Knife, Honey, Sugar
Fruit Latte
Learn this recipe from Basil
Utensils: Mixer
Ingredients: Fruit Juice, Milk
Seasoning: None
Optional: Knife, Honey, Sugar
Grape Jam
Utensils: Pot
Ingredients: Wild Grapes
Seasoning: Sugar
Optional: Honey, Wine, Salt
Learn this recipe from Manna
Utensils: Pot
Ingredients: Spinach
Seasoning: Soy Sauce
Optional: None
Grilled Fish
Utensils: Frying Pan
Ingredients: Medium Fish
Seasoning: None
Optional: Salt, Soy Sauce
Happy Eggplant
Utensils: Frying Pan
Ingredients: Eggplant
Seasoning: Miso Paste, Sugar, Soy Sauce
Optional: None
Hot Milk
Utensils: Pot
Ingredients: Milk
Seasoning: None
Optional: Sugar
Ice Cream
Learn this recipe from Barley
Utensils: Pot, Whisk
Ingredients: Egg, Milk
Seasoning: Sugar
Optional: Knife, Apple, Pineapple, Strawberry, Wild Grape
Jam Bun
Utensils: None
Ingredients: Bread, at least one: Apple Jam, Grape Jam, Strawberry Jam
Seasoning: None
Optional: None
Learn this recipe by digging it up in the Winter Mine
Utensils: Mixer
Ingredients: Tomato, Onion
Seasoning: Salt, Sugar, Vinegar
Optional: None
Mayonnaise Small
Utensils: Whisk
Ingredients: Normal Egg (low heart level chicken), Oil
Seasoning: Vinegar
Optional: None
Mayonnaise Medium
Utensils: Whisk
Ingredients: Good Egg (medium heart level chicken), Oil
Seasoning: Vinegar
Optional: None
Mayonnaise Large
Utensils: Whisk
Ingredients: Excellent Egg (high heart level chicken), Oil
Seasoning: Vinegar
Optional: None
Mayonnaise Extra Large
Utensils: Whisk
Ingredients: Gold Egg, Oil
Seasoning: Vinegar
Optional: None
Miso Soup
Utensils: Pot
Ingredients: at least one: Bamboo Shoot, Cabbage, Carrot, Corn, Eggplant, Green Pepper, Mushroom, Onion, Potato, Pumpkin, Small Fish, Spinach, Sweet Potato, Turnip
Seasoning: Miso Paste
Optional: Knife, Salt, Soy Sauce
Mixed Juice
Learn this recipe from the Doctor
Utensils: Mixer
Ingredients: Fruit Juice, Vegetable Juice
Seasoning: None
Optional: Knife, Bamboo Shoot, Corn, Cucumber, Eggplant, Grape Juice, Green Pepper, Mushroom, Onion, Spinach, Tomato, Truffle, Turnip, Salt, Sugar
Mixed Latte
Utensils: Mixer
Ingredients: Mixed Juice, Milk
Seasoning: None
Optional: Knife, Salt, Sugar
Mushroom Rice
Utensils: None
Ingredients: Mushroom, Rice Ball
Seasoning: None
Optional: Knife, Salt, Soy Sauce
Utensils: Knife, Pot, Rolling Pin
Ingredients: Flour
Seasoning: None
Optional: Bamboo Shoot, Cabbage, Carrot, Egg, Eggplant, Fish (any size), Green Pepper, Mushroom, Onion, Sweet Potato, Truffle, Turnip, Salt, Soy Sauce, Sugar
Utensils: Frying Pan
Ingredients: Egg, Milk, Oil
Seasoning: None
Optional: Whisk, Bamboo Shoot, Cabbage, Carrot, Cheese, Corn, Eggplant, Fish (any size), Green Pepper, Ketchup, Mayonnaise, Onion, Potato, Pumpkin, Sweet Potato, Truffle, Salt
Pickled Turnips
Learn this recipe from Saibara
Utensils: Knife
Ingredients: Turnip
Seasoning: Vinegar
Optional: Salt, Soy Sauce
Utensils: None
Ingredients: Cucumber
Seasoning: Salt
Optional: Knife
Utensils: Oven, Rolling Pin
Ingredients: Cheese, Flour, Ketchup
Seasoning: None
Optional: Knife, Bamboo Shoot, Carrot, Corn, Egg, Eggplant, Green Pepper, Mayonnaise, Mushroom, Onion, Pineapple, Potato, Pumpkin, Sweet Potato, Tomato, Truffle, Salt, Sugar
Learn this recipe from Kai
Utensils: Frying Pan
Ingredients; Corn
Seasoning: None
Optional: Butter
Pumpkin Pudding
Utensils: Oven, Pot
Ingredients: Egg, Milk, Pumpkin
Seasoning: Sugar
Optional: Honey, Wine
Raisin Bread
Utensils: None
Ingredients: Bread, Wild Grape
Seasoning: None
Optional: None
Relaxation Tea
Utensils: Pot
Ingredients: Relaxtion Tea Leaves (you get them from the Harvest Sprite's Tea Party)
Seasoning: None
Optional: Knife, Apple, Blue Grass, Green Grass, Honey, Milk, Orangecup Fruit, Pineapple, Red Grass, Wild Grape, Wine, Sugar
Rice Omelet
Utensils: Frying Pan
Ingredients: Egg, Milk, Oil, Rice Ball
Seasoning: None
Optional: Whisk, Bamboo Shoot, Cabbage, Carrot, Cheese, Corn, Eggplant, Fish (any size), Green Pepper, Ketchup, Mayonnaise, Mushroom, Onion, Potato, Pumpkin, Spinach, Sweet Potato, Truffle, Salt, Soy Sauce, Sugar
Roasted Potatoes
Utensils: Oven
Ingredients: Small Stone, Sweet Potato
Seasoning: None
Optional: Salt, Sugar
Utensils: Knife
Ingredients: Cabbage, Carrot, Cucumber, Tomato
Seasoning: None
Optional: Apple, Boiled Egg, Cheese, Corn, Green Pepper, Mayonnaise, Mushroom, Oil, Pineapple, Potato, Strawberry, Truffle, Turnip, Salt, Vinegar
Learn this recipe from Ellen
Utensils: Knife
Ingredients: Bread, Cucumber, Tomato
Seasoning; None
Optional: Apple, Boiled Egg, Butter, Cababge, Carrot, Cheese, Corn, Cucumber, Fish (any size), Honey, Mayonnaise, Mushroom, Onion, Pineapple, Potato, Strawberry, Sweet Potato, Tomato, Truffle, Wild Grape, Wine, Salt
Learn this recipe from Greg
Utensils: Knife
Ingredients: Large Fish OR Medium Fish
Seasoning: None
Optional: Soy Sauce
Scrambled Eggs
Learn this recipe from Lillia
Utensils: Frying Pan
Ingredients; Egg, Oil
Seasoning: None
Optional: Whisk, Butter, Mayonnaise, Salt, Soy Sauce, Sugar
Utensils: Pot
Ingredients: Flour, Milk
Seasoning: Salt
Optional: Knife, Apple, Bamboo Shoot, Chocolate, Fish, Grape Juice, Green Pepper, Honey, Oil, Pineapple, Spa-Boiled Egg, Spinach, Sweet Potato, Tomato, Turnip, Vegetable Juice, Wild Grape, Wine
Stir Fry
Utensils: Frying Pan, Knife
Ingredients: Cabbage, Oil
Seasoning: Soy Sauce
Optional: Bamboo Shoot, Carrot, Corn, Cucumber, Eggplant, Green Pepper, Mushroom, Onion, Potato, Spinach, Sweet Potato, Tomato, Truffle, Turnip
Strawberry Jam
Utensils: Pot
Ingredients: Strawberry
Seasoning: Sugar
Optional: None
Strawberry Milk
Learn this recipe from Carter
Utensils: Mixer
Ingredients: Milk, Strawberry
Seasoning: None
Optional: Honey, Salt, Sugar
Utensils: None
Ingredients: Rice Ball, Sashimi
Seasoning: Vinegar
Optional: Soy Sauce
Sweet Potato
Learn this recipe from Chef (the red sprite)
Utensils: Oven, Pot
Ingredients: Butter, Egg, Sweet Potato
Seasoning: Sugar
Optional: None
Utensils: Frying Pan
Ingredients: Egg, Flour, Oil
Seasoning: None
Optional: Whisk, Boiled Egg, Cabbage, Carrot, Chocolate, Cucumber, Eggplant, Fish (any size), Green Pepper, Mushroom, Pineapple, Poisonous Mushroom, Potato, Pumpkin, Sweet Potato, Truffle, Turnip
Tempura Noodles
Utensils: Pot
Ingredients: Noodles, Tempura
Seasoning: None
Optional: Cabbage, Carrot, Egg, Fish, Mushroom, Sweet Potato, Turnip, Truffle, Miso Paste, Salt, Sugar, Soy Sauce
Tomato Juice
Utensils: Mixer
Ingredients: Tomato
Seasoning: None
Optional: Salt
Truffle Rice
Utensils: None
Ingredients; Rice Ball, Truffle
Seasoning: None
Optional: Knife, Salt, Soy Sauce
Vegetable Juice
Utensils: Mixer
Ingredients: at least one: Cabbage, Carrot, Cucumber
Seasoning: None
Optional: Knife, Bamboo Shoot, Corn, Cheese, Egg, Eggplant, Green Pepper, Onion, Spinach, Truffle, Turnip, Salt
Veggie Latte
Utensils: Mixer
Ingredients: Milk, Vegetable Juice
Seasoning: None
Optional: Knife, Bamboo Shoot, Cheese, Corn, Egg, Eggplant, Green Pepper, Onion, Spinach, Truffle, Turnip, Salt
Veggie Pancake
Learn this recipe from Gotz
Utensils: Frying Pan, Knife
Ingredients: Cabbage, Egg, Flour, Oil
Seasoning: None
Optional: Bamboo Shoot, Carrot, Cheese, Cucumber, Eggplant, Fish (any size), Mayonnaise, Milk, Mushroom, Potato, Pumpkin, Spinach, Truffle, Salt, Soy Sauce