Saturday, October 10, 2015

Bravely Default Guide: Chapter Zero

Bravely Default

Chapter Zero

WARNING: This guide could contain spoilers! Please keep that in mind as you read.


Begin the game with a fairy and the introduction of the main four characters. The first character you obtain is Tiz Arrior.

A young man, and sole survivor of the Great Chasm. After waking, he had a fateful encounter with the wind vestal, Agnès.

A nineteen-year-old boy from Norende. A simple and honest soul, he has a gentle and amiable demeanor that makes him well-liked. He acts as a mediator between friends, and often ends up with a lot on his plate (for which I am partly responsible).

Likes: Hot home cooking, seafood
Dislikes: Gaudy baubles, crowds

When the cutscenes are finished, head out of the Inn and make your way to the palace at the top of the town. Talk to the king sitting at the throne. Afterwards, leave the town at the bottom, then go to the ! on your map. These ! indicate that you are meant to go there for the main mission.

Norende Ravine

Items in the area:
  • Potion at the climb
  • 200PG at the climb
  • At the end of vista

HP:  Easy: 13  Normal: 18  Hard: 24
Weak: N/A
Abilities: Charge

Goblin Archer
HP:  Easy: 15  Normal: 20  Hard: 27
Weak: N/A
Abilities: Sharpshoot

Goblin Slasher
HP:  Easy: 15  Normal: 20  Hard: 27
Weak: Lightning
Abilities: Guard

Reach the top to find Angès Oblige and have her join the party!

Of the Oblige line, she met Airy on a hill above the chasm. She encountered Tiz as foretold after he miraculously escaped death.

A twenty-year-old girl from Ancheim. As a vestal, she has devoted her life to the crystals. She escaped the Temple of Wind after it was overrun by dark forces, and came to investigate the Great Chasm. She has absolutely no sense of direction.

Likes: Sweet treats
Dislikes: Meat, crowds, being lost

After the cutscenes, more enemies will show up as you run back down the ravine.


Goblin, Goblin Archer, Goblin Slasher

Sky Dueler
HP:  Easy: 45  Normal: 60  Hard: 81
Weak: Lightning
Abilities: Prey On Weak

Sky Archer
HP:  Easy: 45  Normal: 60  Hard: 81
Weak: Lightning
Abilities: Poison Arrow

Exit the ravine after fighting all the enemies and sit through more cutscenes. At the end of the ravine, there will be a party chat. Hit the Y button to read through the conversation. These are not crucial to the storyline, but they provide more lore.

Go back to Caldisla and be sure to visit the Inn to heal up. This is the only Inn in the game where you can heal for free. There is an Inn in each town.

Afterwards, head back to the palace to talk to the king. After you are done with this, be sure to visit some of the shops in town.


Broadsword     70PG
Rod     60PG
Staff     10PG
Dagger     50PG

Buckler     50PG

Bronze Helm     40PG
Leather Cap     15PG
Pointy Hat     20PG

Leather Armor     120PG
Hempen Tunic     20PG
Kenpo Gi     100PG
Linen Cuirass     80PG

Bronze Gauntlets     40PG
Bronze Bangle     40PG

Pay attention to the numbers displayed when switching between items. Obviously, red numbers are less than what you currently have equipped, and the blue numbers are more. Certain classes use items easier than others. For instance, a monk is not very good at using Rods, but good with Knuckles. They are classified by letters: S (being the best), A, B, C, D, E (being the worst). When you are done buying and selling, you can equip by talking to the salesman or go to your pause menu and equip from there. I like to use the recommended items as it just makes it easier.


Potion     20PG
Phoenix Down     100PG
Antidote     10PG
Eye Drops     20PG
Echo Herbs     25PG
Teleport Stone     100PG

Don't worry if you don't know what all these items are. The trader will give you a brief explanation when you have it highlighted.


Cure     200PG
Poisona     200PG
Blindna     200PG

Fire     200PG
Blizzard     200PG
Thunder     200PG

Certain magics are only usable with certain classes. For instance, a white mage can use cure, but cannot use fire.

After you go through all three of the shops here, leave town and go to the lake to have a boss battle.

Barras Lehr

HP:  Easy: 225  Normal: 300  Hard: 405
Weak: N/A
Abilities: Invigorate

Holly Whyte

HP:  Easy: 187  Normal: 250  Hard: 337
Weak: N/A
Abilities: Aero, Cure, Protect

The easiest way to beat this boss battle is to focus on Holly first. Yes, Barras can hit hard, but Holly can always heal him and herself. Once Holly gets down to a low health level, she will start healing herself. She can heal quite a bit, so use brave to get through those heals to wipe her out. Now that she's gone, just keep hitting Barras until he's KO'ed.

After you beat the two of them, you will be awarded with asteriks. These are jobs that you can assign to the four characters of your team.


A brute strength attacker!
-High HP and P.ATK
-Powerful attacks with bare hands

Specialty: Knuckle Lore
Job Command: Martial Arts

Best Weapons:
Staves, Knuckles

White Mage

Aids allies with healing and support magic!
-Skilled at white magic
-Favors staves

Specialty: Self-healing
Job Command: White Magic

Best Weapons:

Travel back to Caldisla, go to the palace, and speak to the king. He will speak of rebuilding Norende. The town is rebuilt for the purpose of getting really good items. You can have your friends and other people on the internet rebuild the town with you. The more people you have working, the faster things will be done. Bosses will also spawn here. These bosses are incredibly difficult.

Go to the Inn and witness some cutscenes. Now, you have Ringabel!

Though my memory is gone, this name seems engraved upon my mind somehow. A tattered journal is my sole remaining possession. Who am I?

A man of unknown age, currently experiencing amnesia. Clearly a man of high morals. Taciturn and reflective, I believe I am a gentleman well-liked by all.

Likes: Spicy things, juicy things
Dislikes: Sweet things

Now, leave town and go to the keep.

Centro Keep

WARNING: There are enemies that inflict blindness!

Blind is an annoying status debuff that makes it to where you are greatly less likely to hit the enemy.

Items in the area:
  • Silver Glasses at 2F, right side
  • Phoenix Down at 3F
  • Echo Herbs at 3F
  • Wakeup Bell at 3F
  • Potion at 2F, left side
  • Mage Masher at 2F, left side
  • 2F, left side

Cait Sith
HP:  Easy: 45  Normal: 60  Hard: 81
Weak: Water
Abilities: Blind

HP:  Easy: 60  Normal: 80  Hard: 108
Weak: Fire
Abilities: Thrust

Orc Leader
HP:  Easy: 75  Normal: 100  Hard: 135
Weak: Fire
Abilities: Encourage

Along with finding treasure chests in this area, it is very important to find the switches in order to advance to new areas.

A beautiful girl who served under the black mage when Caldisla was set alight. Unable to forgive the duchy's brutality, she switched allegiance to the vestal.

An eighteen-year-old girl hailing from Eternia. On first impression, she appears to be a spoiled princess type. However, while strong-willed and opinionated, she is also kind and filled with a sense of justice. She never shies away from a conflict.

Likes: REALLY sweet things
Dislikes: Cooking, hassle, insects

When you reach the area with Edea and Ominas, there will be a cutscene. After the lengthy cutscene, Edea will join your party!

Ominas Crowe

HP:  Easy: 1350  Normal: 1800  Hard: 2430
Weak: N/A
Abilities: Fire

There is no real strategy with the boss battle. Just hit him and be prepared to heal after his fire attacks.

Black Mage

Uses attack magic to assault groups of foes!
-Skilled at black magic
-Favors rods

Specialty: Black Resonance
Job Command: Black Magic

Best Weapons: Rods

Leave the keep, enter Caldisla and go up to the palace.

For a brief bit, Edea is the only party member. Just go to the graveyard and listen to Karl.

The party joins back up! Leave town and go back to Centro Keep, then keep following the ! to Lotano Villa.

Lotano Villa

WARNING: There are enemies that inflict blindness and poison!

Poison in this game works a lot like others. Once your character is inflicted, he/she is hurt each of his/her turn during combat. Outside of combat, the more you move, the more your character will be hurt until healed.

Items in the area:
  • Ether at 1F
  • Antidote at 1F
  • Potion at 2F
  • 400PG at 2F
  • Spear at 1F
  • White Cape at 2F
  • Phoenix Down at 3F
  • Blue Chest at 3F
These blue chests are currently locked and will be locked for majority of the game. Just keep in mind where they are located.

  • 3F

Cait Sith
HP: 45
Weak: Water
Abilities: Blind

HP:  Easy: 120  Normal: 160  Hard: 216
Weak: Fire
Abilities: Footwork

HP:  Easy: 60  Normal: 80  Hard: 108
Weak: Wind, Dark
Abilities: Cure

Sky Archer
HP:  Easy: 90  Normal: 120  Hard: 162
Weak: Lightning
Abilities: Poison Arrow

Sky Dueler
HP:  Easy: 90  Normal: 120  Hard: 162
Weak: Lightning
Abilities: Prey On Weak

Sky Pikeman
HP:  Easy: 90  Normal: 120  Hard: 162
Weak: Lightning
Abilities: Mow Down

HP:  Easy: 60  Normal: 80  Hard: 108
Weak; Fire
Abilities: Bite

Reach the area where Heinkel and the King are located, fight the Sky Dueler, Sky Pikeman, and two Sky Archers to be able to follow them outside.

Argent Heinkel

HP:  Easy: 1800  Normal: 2400  Hard: 3240
Weak: Lightning
Abilities: Ironclad, Protect Ally, Shield Strike, Stomp

Try to make sure that you have a black mage for this battle, it makes it so much easier as he is weak to lightning. He will have two wimpy sky knights by his side- don't even worry about them. Hit Heinkel with everything and have your black mage target all enemies to get rid of the sky knights. Be sure to heal through his stomps.


A well rounded warrior with excellent offense and defense!
-High physical defense
-Favors swords, shields, and armor

Specialty: Protect Ally
Job Command: Chivalry

Best Weapons: Swords

After this boss battle, you will have gained the Eschalot! 

Go back to Caldisla, be sure to heal, then go to the palace.

Leave town and go to the lake to fly to the Harena Desert.

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