Saturday, August 29, 2015

Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag Guide: Sequence 5 & 6

Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag

Sequence 5 & 6

WARNING: This guide could contain spoilers! Keep this in mind as you read.
Note: I played the Xbox 360 version.

Sequence 5

The Forts
100% objectives:
  • Use the mortar to damage the fort
  • Use a running assassination to kill the officer
Before the mission begins, the game recommends you to upgrade your mortar. If you do not have the correct items, plunder some ships for some metal then go visit the harbormaster to purchase the second mortar upgrade.

When you start getting towards the fort, they will start shooting their own mortars at your ship. Make sure to use your own mortars on it. Aim for the areas with the red dots. To use your mortar press and hold the L bumper button, aim with your camera, then fire with the R trigger. Be careful about going close to the fort; while you may be able to fire heavy shots, the fort will also fire tons of shots at you. Don't sit in one spot.

After the fort is destroyed, dock and get into the fort. Use your map to find the officer then use a running assassination on him. After that, storm the doors of the war room and kill the man in there.

Taking down forts opens up more areas on the map, it also shows collectibles.

Traveling Salesman
100% objectives:

  • Kill gunners (4)
  • Kill guards stunned by smoke bombs (5)
Time to tail Prins and Torres through the town. Patience will get this mission done easier and faster, remember that. When following them, be sure to kill off the gunners on the roofs. To kill two birds with one stone, you could use the smoke bombs, then kill them (just make sure that Torres and Prins are farther away).

Reach the mansion to trigger the cut scene where guards will start coming after you. Make sure to use the smoke bombs if you haven't gotten that one yet. Afterwards, chase Kidd and tackle him.

100% objectives:
  • Use berserk darts on brutes (2)
  • Use sleep darts on gunners (2)
Sneak through the fields making sure to sleep dart at least 2 gunners, and using berserk darts on the brutes. The brutes are the big guys with an axe. Disable 3 alarm bells and get to the mansion. Don't forget to synchronize on top of the mansion. Prins is in the back yard of the mansion under a terrace. After killing him, run out of the mansion grounds and meet up with Mary.

Sequence 6

Diving for Medicines
100% objectives:
  • Loot treasure chests (3)
  • Avoid being attacked by a shark
Follow Thatch through Nassau, then buy a diving bell from the harbormaster for 5,000R. With the diving bell, you can now explore underwater ship wrecks.

Sail to the ship wreck and be dropped into the ocean at the San Ignacio Wreck. In order to complete the quest, you need to loot four chests. The last one should be in the ship. Get into the closed latch and dive in. After opening the chest, the ship will collapse a little, blocking your way out. Swim through the caves to get out. When you exit the caves, watch out for all of the sharks. Try to hide in patches of seaweed to stay out of sight. Keep an eye on your air meter and move towards your diving bell. 

Devil's Associate
100% objectives:

  • Rescue survivors (5)
  • Kill guards stunned by smoke bombs (3)
Sail around the restricted area to find the shipwrecked survivors- be sure to pick them up. Sail and dock at Mariguana Island, then help Thatch on shore. Make sure to use smoke bombs and kill the guards stunned by them.

Now to sail the Queen Anne's Revenge. Sail out to find the Man O' War that Thatch wants to go after. Since his ship doesn't have any mortars, heavy shots will be your friend. Don't sink the ship, instead board it. Clear out the guards on the ship to finish the mission.

The Siege of Charles-Towne
100% objectives:
  • Use sleep darts on crocodiles (3)
  • Skin a crocodile
Meet up with Thatch and talk to him. You need to tail the gunboat sailing through the marsh. Stay out of the ship's sights and the watchtower's sights. Either watch your map or the yellow circle on the water to make sure that you stay out of sight. After getting so far, watch towers will block your way.

Jump off the Jackdaw and take out the guards before they ring the bell, then get back on the ship. Keep on eye on the map- make sure that you don't go the wrong way (I did). After a while longer, you'll have to dock again and walk the rest of the way.

There's crocodiles in the water nearby, be sure to sleep dart them and then skin them. Follow the path, keeping an eye out for crocodiles. After a bit, the gunboat will dock, and you will have to tail and eavesdrop on a guard from the ship. After listening, you'll have to chase after the guy. There's a pretty clear path to take. Take out the captain to finish the mission.

Abstergo 3

Meet up with Melanie and go up the elevator to Olivier's office. When they go into the office, John will contact you again, telling you to hack into more computers. Follow his directions to the office; now you have security clearance 2. Hack into the console. It's pretty easy to figure out. Use the left analog stick to move to another set of numbers and use the right analog stick to move throughout the individual numbers of a set. Pay attention to the number at the top and the one that is above your numbers- they need to match. Play with the numbers or do the math yourself to solve it. 

Exit the security room and head towards where John tells you. Ride the window cleaner's galley to get into Olivier's office. Now, hack his computer. This is puzzle is easy, this time. Avoid the red lines and play frogger. Those lines with dashes through them will occasionally turn red and kill you. Make it all the way to the left side to win. Now, ride the elevator down to the floor level and meet up with those interesting people again. After that, either hack more computers or jump back into the Animus.

More Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag!

Sequence 1 & 2
Sequence 9 & 10
Sequence 11 & 12
Collectables & Buried Treasure
Templar Keys & Legendary Ships

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag Guide: Sequence 3 & 4

Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag

Sequence 3 & 4

WARNING: This guide could contain spoilers! Please keep that in mind as you read.
Note: I played the Xbox 360 version.

Sequence 3

This Tyro Captain
100% objectives:
  • Shoot an iguana
  • Air assassinate an ocelot
Sail to Abaco Island with your new ship to learn the basics of hunting and crafting. Dock and swim to shore to begin. It's easiest to find the animals if you synchronize the viewpoint so that they show up on your map. It's also easier to find the animals if you use your Eagle Vision to locate them; the animals will show up red.

In order to craft your Health Upgrade I, you need to kill and skin 2 iguanas. You will need to kill and skin 2 ocelots for the Pistol Holster II. Once you have gotten them, press start and click on crafting. Then craft the two items. In order to make it easier for you, take the boat on the island back to your ship, the Jackdaw, if it's closer.

Even though it's not related to this quest, I figured that it's related to hunting and crafting. Occasionally, you will see shapes of sharks or whales on your map or even a bunch of birds in the sky. This means that there is a harpooning opportunity there. Stop the ship there to begin. You will be on a row boat with harpoons. Aim with the L trigger and throw with the R trigger. A rope is attached to your boat and the harpoon, so when you hit your target, you will go for a boat ride. Keep hitting it with harpoons, until it either breaks off or you kill it. If the rope breaks, aim for the fish and look about the horizon for it. You'll see it and have an opportunity to throw a harpoon at it. Hit it or it will hit your boat. The sharks and whales are also used for crafting.

Now Hiring
100% objectives:
  • Disarm and kill guards (3)
  • Shoot the rope to save the pirate
Sail to Nassau to begin this memory, then head to the tavern. Edward decides that he needs some more crew members for the Jackdaw. This memory introduces you to saving pirates to recruit them.

Pick an area that has pirates on your map, then head over. In order to disarm the guard, unequip any weapons by pressing down twice on the directional pad. Go up to the guard and when they try to counter attack, press X, then kill them with their own weapon. Then go up to the pirates and press B.

For some areas, you should be more stealthy or the guards will just shoot the pirates. Don't worry, more save pirate missions will show back up if you fail.

The last pirate area will be towards the fort for an execution. Run up there and be sure to shoot the rope manually (don't shoot the pirate!) and take out the guards. After all this, return the tavern.

Prizes and Plunder
100% objectives:
  • Use a swivel to kill sailers (3)
  • Plunder 20 rum
Sail to the seas and use your spy glass to locate a ship. To use the spy glass, press the L bumper button and use your analog stick to look around. Once you are close, shoot at it until it is incapacitated then get close and hold down the B button to board the ship. To get the swivel kills, when your crew is in the process of pulling the Jackdaw towards the ship, go to the little gun on your left/right and shoot it at members on the other ship. Kill a certain amount of enemy crew members to be successful. Then repair the Jackdaw.

Sail back out to sea and look for more enemy ships. If you want to plunder 20 rum, specifically look for rum in the ship's inventory in your spy glass. Rum can be sold for more money. Once you are done, sail to Salt Key to finish.

Raise the Black Flag
100% objectives:
  • Plunder a hunter ship
  • Plunder 30 sugar
Do the same as the last mission by taking down schooners, but try to aim for ones that have metal on board. For the sugar, do the same except look for sugar-carrying boats. When you've taken down enough ships, you should have risen your notoriety. When your notoriety raises, a hunter ship will come after you. They are brigs with red sails. Take it down if you want 100% sync.

When you are finished, buy an upgrade for the Jackdaw. These are located either on shore with the harbormasater shops or on your ship in the captain's quarters.

Sugarcane and Its Yields
100% objectives:

  • Sabotage alarm bells (2)
  • Stay out of combat
Head to Andreas Island for this mission to begin. Start by following Kidd for a while, then reach the agent and tail him to his ship. Now, hurry back to your ship, there is a time limit, and follow his boat. Dock your ship at the plantation then eavesdrop on the conversation. When he starts demanding the guards for the keys, start looking for your man. Use Eagle Vision to locate said guard with the key. He tends to walk near the warehouse; loot the key from him. Make sure to sabotage the alarm bells before opening the warehouse. Keep in mind how to do all this: warehouses are awesome to loot.

Proper Defenses
100% objectives:
  • Use one broadside to sink boats (2)
  • Use heavy shot to sink ships (2)
Begin the memory to find out that you must hunt down a Man O' War, Arca del Maestro . These are tougher ships. Sail towards the green circle and find it within. Make sure to keep your distance and follow it. Stay right outside of the yellow circle around it. Also, make sure to keep clear of other ships.

When the ship stops, another pirate will start attacking it. The Man O' War will react and start attacking you! Avoid those yellow/red circles on the water, that's where the mortar will hit. The ship will escape and backup arrives. Be sure to sink these ships. For the broadside, aim with the L trigger and fire with the R trigger. For the heavy, just fire (close-range) with the R trigger. Once they're all sank, you have finished.

A Single Madman
100% objectives:
  • Stay out of combat
  • Air assassinate Du Casse
Sail to the island to begin, then swim to shore. Make friends with foliage and whistling to assassinate guards. Try not to get lost in the jungle and just follow the path of guards, taking them out one by one. It takes some patience.

Make it all the way to the town and jump into the ocean to swim to the ship. For the air assassination, be sure to climb up the ship high enough to kill Du Casse. Now, you will have 1 out of 5 Templar keys.

Abstergo 2

Melanie informs you to go visit Olivier in his office. Big news. Head to the elevator and go up to the 15th floor. After chatting it up, John, the IT guy, calls you and tells you to hack a computer. Go back to your work floor and follow your map. Hack into the computer by going up to it, looking to the screen, then pressing B. Honestly I just messed around with combinations until I got it right. When your cursor gets on the green line, go into the line to unlock it. Now, go down to the lobby to deliver the information to some interesting looking girl. Now, back to your computer. 

Sequence 4

This Old Cove
No 100% objectives

Follow Kidd and solve the Mayan stelae puzzle. Climb up the glowing statue, activate Eagle Vision, then align the lines with the rocks, trees, or other objects to unlock the location. Dig up the stone when you've figured it out.

Follow Kidd some more to a hideout that leads to a house and the Templar armor. Guess what unlocks it... the Templar keys. They are side quests that show up in the world. After all this, go to the shore.

After this mission is finished, go to your captain's quarters and interact with the map to get Kenway's Fleet. You already have some ships, so send them out on side missions. When an area is more hazardous, you can have your ships fight other one by pressing Y to clear up the waters.

Nothing is True...
100% objectives:
  • Knock out assassins (3)
  • Loot treasure chests (4)
Sail to Tulum to begin. Be sure to unequip any weapons- you don't want to kill the assassins. This can be a pretty difficult mission. Just keep your patience. Knock them out as you go along, and try to synchronize at the viewpoint to see where all of the treasure chests are located. Eventually, you will meet up with Kidd.

The Sage's Buried Secret
No 100% objectives

Follow Kidd underground. When the bridge collapses, climb up the left wall and hop on the weight to get down. After a while, you two will jump into water. To dive, press B and dive down. Hold R bumper to swim faster, rotate the camera and control Edward with the same controls.

Next is a simple puzzle. Use the wheel in the middle to control pushing the puzzle around. You'll need to match the colors with the weights. When you have it lined up, climb up and get on the higher weight. Eventually, the Sage's face will be revealed.

Overrun and Outnumbered
100% objectives:
  • Use sleep darts on guards (8)
  • Use berserk darts on guards (8)
This memory can also be annoying. When you begin the mission, Kidd hands you your blowdart. Select it by pressing right on the directional pad. For freeing pirates/assassins, the best strategy that I found was to wipe out the guards with the guns first, then get the rest. Be careful with the berserk darts, I had problems with guards killing prisoners under the influence. If you do shoot a guard with a dart, he will snap out of it if he does not die. Make sure to loot dead guards for more darts and bullets. Keep in mind that you only need to free 14 prisoners.

More Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag!

Sequence 1 & 2
Sequence 9 & 10
Sequence 11 & 12
Collectables & Buried Treasure
Templar Keys & Legendary Ships

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag Guide: Sequence 1 & 2

Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag

Sequence 1 & 2

WARNING: This guide could contain spoilers! Please keep that in mind as you read.
Note: I played the Xbox 360 version.

Sequence 1

While most games will bore you when you first start a game, this one jumps right into action. Your character, Edward, is just a lowly crew member on an unknown ship that was fighting an assassin's ship. Now, I like to call this tutorial island because you learn almost all of the basics to the game.

Edward makes his way to the wheel of his ship to pilot. This is where you learn the basics of naval warfare. Sounds difficult, but once you get used to it, it's fine. Control where the ship goes with the left analog stick, while controlling the camera with the right analog stick. Controlling the camera is key to fighting. Face the camera to where you want to shoot something, hold the L trigger button and aim with the right analog stick to get it where you want, then fire hitting the R trigger button. Control the ship's speed with A and B. A is to speed up, and B is to slow down.

Both the ships catch fire and sink. This is where you learn the basics of swimming to get to shore. Pushing forward does a basic swim while adding A makes you swim faster. To swim stealthily, hold down B. Make it to the checkpoint.

Edward has reached shore where you discover that you are not the only survivor. It's the assassin from the other ship. This is the basics of the free running in the game. Free running is going to be one of the main ways of getting around in this game. Control where you go with the left analog stick, the camera with the right analog stick, running with the R trigger, 

On your mini map, you will see this odd symbol of a bird and a power symbol. Climb up the tower to reach it using the free running skills you have learned. When at the top, you should go straight to the ledge and hit the B button when it says synchronize. This makes things like chests and animus fragments show up in your mini map. When you reach either deep water or a haystack, run forward and hit A off the edge to jump safely down.

Once you have caught up to him, the combat tutorial will begin. Press O to counter, you will know to do this when you see an ! above an enemy's head. A breaks their defense. X attacks. Kill him to discover your next objective: traveling to Havana.

Continue forward to find a schooner and some people arguing. Kill all of the men in red to free the merchant: Stede Bonnet. Both of you need to get to Havana, what a coincidence. Pilot his ship through the waters, just like the pirate battle except without shooting cannons. Using the mini map makes it easier to avoid land.

First Day

After piloting the ship, you will be sent back to real life where you meet Melanie. So you're not actually a pirate, just an employee at Abstergo on his/her first day. She leads you throughout the building and gives you a device which controls elevators, computers, and is your map. Your basic controls in real life is walking and controlling the camera the same as Edward. The main difference is that you can interact with items with a wifi sort of symbol on them pressing the B button.

Go the elevator to meet Olivier, the CCO. You get led to your animus station where you will begin playing in the pirate world again.

Sequence 2

Lively Havana
100% objectives:
  • Tackle the pickpocket
  • Use smoke bombs to escape combat
When you arrive in Havana, Edward decides he wants to visit the tavern. Follow Stede throughout the town. The two of you visit the general merchant to introduce buying weapons. The only one you can buy is the British Cutlass for 800R. Stede then says that he is lost. Climb up the building to continue. When you get to the top and synchronize, some guy pickpockets Stede. Leap of Faith down to the ground and run after the thief. While running, hit the B button behind him to tackle him or X to kill him. Loot his body holding the B button over him. Then run back to Stede where you arrive to the tavern.

This part introduces the way to open up taverns: fist fights. Press B to counter just like when fighting the assassin. After you press B, you can press B again to fling someone, press A to wound someone, press X to knock someone out. Knock them all, then use your smoke bombs to get away. Select them with the right button on your directional pad then use them with Y. Hide in a haystack, doors, a well, or the water to get away.

...And My Sugar?
100% objectives:
  • Hire dancers to distract guards
  • Stay out of combat
Edward meets back up with Stede to find out that the Spanish officers had stolen some things from them. Use Eagle Vision to find the guards; press the left analog stick to activate it. Red figures are guards, areas that are light green are hiding places, and gold figures are the people to interact with. Here, the guards will light up gold. Follow them, hiding behind objects and buildings while not drawing attention to yourself. If they see you, quickly hide and wait until the yellow indicator goes away. Keep close to them so that you do not desynchronize.

At some points you will come across a part where you need to eavesdrop. Stay in the circle that's indicated by wavelengths; stay there undetected, or they will stop talking. The easiest way, by far, is to hire dancers to hide you. There are some restricted areas that you will either have to go through or around. The mini map indicates these areas by making them completely red. If a guard sees you here, they will start attacking you.

After a while, the guards will lead you to the executioner's stage where you will follow someone else. After following him, pickpocket his key then sneak into the fort to steal back your things, and meet back up with Stede.

Mister Walpole, I Presume
100% objectives:
  • Complete Rogers's shooting challenege
  • Pickpocket all Templars (3)
Go into the enclosed mansion and meet up with the Templars who are shooting guns. Meet Rogers and Du Casse, Rogers being the one with the scars. Then begins your tutorial for shooting (mainly guns). Aim with the L trigger and shoot with the R trigger. You can also shoot by pressing Y on a highlighted target.

Talk to either Rogers or Du Casse depending on what you want to do. Rogers's shooting challenge is shooting all of the targets in 20 seconds. The best way to do this is to manually aim and shoot. Talk to Du Casse afterwards to be given your hidden blades.

They lead you to an area with other dummies where they ask you to perform "assassinating" them. This tutorial teaches you the various methods. Press X to assassinate them.

When you complete that, follow the men to Torres, another Templar. Cut scenes continue and congrats, you are now a Templar.

A Man They Call the Sage
100% objectives:
  • Tackle the Sage from above
  • Use the pistol in combat
Meet up with the Templars and follow them throughout the town. After a while, you will be ambushed by assassins. Just make sure that Torres is not killed along with yourself. Fight in the streets until you have killed some of the assassins, still following Torres along the way.

Now, you have to chase down the Sage. Be sure to tackle him and not kill him. To do it from above, just climb above him and hit B over the ledge

Claiming What's Due
100% objectives:
  • Stay out of combat
  • Kill guards from stalking zones (3)
Edward decides to find out why the Sage is so important. He decides to infiltrate the estate. Go to the restricted area and hide in the stalking zones, while using Eagle Vision to locate guards. If a guard is just out of reach of being assassinated, you can whistle using the B button while in the stalking zone, and the guard will come to investigate.

There's a guard with the prison key, be sure to find and loot it from him in the cornfields. Be sure to watch out for the guards in the sniper towers. Eliminate guards around the tower stealthily, then climb the tower to assassinate him.

Reach the prison to find out that the Templars are onto you and that the Sage has escaped.

The Treasure Fleet
100% objectives:
  • Free 23 pirates
  • Kill guards from around corners (3)
Edward is a prisoner on a fleet of ships. He and another prisoner breaks out of chains to take down guards. Hide behind corners until you are ready to kill guards. Make your way to the back of the ship to get your weapons.

Climb to the top and clear out the ship of guards. Be sure to look at your mini map to see where the pirates are held. In order to free them, you must be out of combat and press B by them. There are 9 on this ship. Then swing over to the next ship.

Do the same on every one. The one to the left of the first one has 3 pirates. Moving forward, there are 2. Then get to the Man o' War on the right where there are 9 pirates below deck. After freeing them all, you will need to get to the brig on your mini map. Kill the captain and take over the ship with your new crew.

Since there's a hurricane coming, you should probably get out of there. Get to the wheel and start sailing towards the marker on the map. Be careful of rogue waves; to get over rogue waves, face them head on. If you do not face rogue waves, hit the X button to brace. There are also water spouts that will sprout up in front of you, avoid them as well as you can.

If you have any questions or comments, or even if I missed something, please leave a comment below. There will be more to this series released every Saturday until finished. Thanks for reading!

More Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag!

Sequence 9 & 10
Sequence 11 & 12
Collectables & Buried Treasure
Templar Keys & Legendary Ships

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Harvest Moon Back to Nature Guide: Marriage and Rivals

Harvest Moon: Back to Nature

Marriage and Rivals

WARNING: This guide could contain spoilers! Please keep that in mind as you read.

The Girls

 Ann: A tomboy who lives and works at the Inn.

 Rival: Cliff
 Birthday: Summer 17 (Alternate Summer 22)
 Family: Doug (Father)
 Favorite Items: Apple, Spa-boiled Egg, and Pineapple

 Elli: A sweet girl who works at the Clinic.
 Rival: Doctor
 Birthday: Spring 16 (Alternate Spring 20)
 Family: Ellen (Grandmother) and Stu (Brother)
 Favorite Items: Flowers

 Karen: A fun-loving girl who lives at the Supermarket.

 Rival: Rick
 Birthday: Fall 15 (Alternate Fall 22)
 Family: Jeff (Father) and Sasha (Mother)
 Favorite Items: Wine and Truffle

 Mary: A quiet girl who works at the Library.

 Rival: Gray
 Birthday: Winter 20 (Alternate Winter 25)
 Family: Basil (Father) and Anna (Mother)
 Favorite Items: Bamboo Shoot, Blue Grass, Green Grass, Mushroom, Truffle, and Poison Mushroom

 Popuri: A high-maintenance girl who lives at the Poultry Farm.

 Rival: Kai
 Birthday: Summer 3 (Alternate Summer 10)
 Family: Rod (Father), Lillia (Mother), and Rick (Brother)
 Favorite Items: Flowers, Honey, and Spa-boiled Egg

The reason for the alternate dates is just in case your character has his birthday on their original birthday. For instance, if your birthday is Fall 15, Karen's will then change to Fall 22.

Also, the favorite items listed are not the only items that they love, but they are the easiest to obtain. Jewelry is something that every girl loves.

Heart Levels

Courting the girls is time consuming and will take until at least Fall of year one (I've only ever gotten to Winter year one). If you want to get married as soon as possible, give your chosen lady her favorite gift every day that you are able, talk to her at every festival she attends, and ask her to the "date" festivals.

Now, you may notice that there is a heart at the bottom of the girls' dialogue. These do not appear for any other villager. The reason is so that you know how much a girl likes you. There are seven levels in total, which are different colors and get bigger as they level up.

Black Heart: Tiny and doesn't beat, means that the girl just met you and thinks of you as an acquaintance.

Purple Heart: Small and beats a little, means that the girl knows you a little better, but doesn't really think of you as a friend.

Blue Heart: Small and beats a little, means that the girl thinks of you as a friend.

Green Heart: Medium and beats more, means that the girl thinks of you as her good friend.

Yellow Heart: Medium and beats more, means that the girl is flirting with you.

Orange Heart: Large and beats a lot, means that the girl has a crush on you.

Red Heart: Large and beats a lot, means that the girl is in love with you.


Every day
6:00 AM - 7:30 AM     inside the Inn
7:30 AM - 10:00AM     Hot Springs area
10:00AM - 12:00AM     inside the Inn

Rainy days
6:00AM - 12:00AM     inside the Inn

Every day
6:00AM - 12:00AM     inside the Clinic
6:00AM - 9:00AM     inside the Clinic
9:00AM - 1:00PM     inside Ellen's house
1:00PM - 4:00PM     inside the Supermarket
4:00PM - 7:00PM     inside Ellen's house
8:00PM - 12:00AM     inside the Clinic

Every day
6:00AM - 8:00AM     inside the Supermarket
8:00AM - 10:30AM     outside the Supermarket
10:30AM - 1:00PM     inside the Supermarket (house area)
1:00PM - 4:00PM     inside the Supermarket (store area)
4:00PM - 7:00PM     inside the Supermarket (house area)
7:30PM - 10:00PM     at the Beach
10:00PM - 12:00AM     inside the Supermarket

Rainy days
6:00AM - 10:00AM     inside the Supermarket
10:00AM - 1:00PM     inside the Supermarket (house area)
1:00PM - 4:00PM     inside the Supermarket (store area)
4:00PM - 12:00AM     inside the Supermarket (house area)

6:00AM - 8:00AM     inside the Supermarket
8:00AM - 10:30AM     outside the Supermarket
10:30AM - 1:00PM     inside the Supermarket
1:00PM - 4:00PM     Hot Springs area
4:00PM - 7:00PM     inside the Inn
7:00PM - 12:00AM     inside the Supermarket

Rainy Tuesdays
6:00AM - 1:00PM     inside the Supermarket
1:00PM - 4:00PM     inside Gotz's house
4:00PM - 7:00PM     inside the Supermarket
7:00PM - 10:00PM     inside the Inn
10:00PM - 12:00AM     inside the Supermarket

6:00AM - 7:00PM     inside the Supermarket
7:00PM - 10:00PM     inside the Inn
10:00PM - 12:00AM     inside the Supermarket

Every day
6:00AM - 10:00AM     inside her house
10:00AM - 4:00PM      inside the Library
4:00PM - 12:00AM     inside her house

6:00AM - 7:00AM     inside her house
7:00AM - 10:00AM     on Mother Hill
10:00AM - 1:00PM     inside her house
1:00PM - 4:00PM     inside the Supermarket
4:00PM - 12:00AM     inside her house

Rainy Mondays
6:00AM - 1:00PM     inside her house
1:00PM - 4:00PM     inside the Supermarket
4:00PM - 12:00AM     inside her house

Every day
6:00AM - 7:00AM     inside Poultry Farm
7:00AM - 10:00AM     Hot Springs area
10:00AM - 12:00AM     inside Poultry Farm

Rainy days
6:00AM - 12:00AM     inside Poultry Farm

6:00AM - 9:00AM     inside Poultry Farm
9:00AM - 1:00PM     inside the Church
1:00PM - 5:30PM     in the Square
5:30PM - 12:00AM     inside the Poultry Farm

Rainy Sundays
6:00AM - 9:00AM     inside Poultry Farm
9:00AM - 1:00PM     inside the Church
1:00PM - 12:00AM     inside the Poultry Farm

Special Events

Ann's Introduction
Triggered the first time you visit the Inn.
More affection for Ann and more affection for Doug if you say she's cute.

Ann's Question
Triggered with at least a purple heart, visit the Inn.
More affection for Ann if you say she's wrong; less affection if you say she's right.

Ann's Wheeling and Dealing
Triggered when you have at least three grown chickens in your coop.
No matter what, you lose affection. That's okay because it is easily gained back as long as you accept. Bring 3 chicken eggs to her every day, excluding festival days, until she doesn't accept them anymore. If you skip a day, the event ends.

Elli's Introduction
Triggered the first time you visit the Clinic.
More affection for Elli if you say that it doesn't hurt.

Elli's Question
Triggered with at least a purple heart, visit the Clinic.
More affection if you say it's fun; less affection if you say it's hard.

Elli's Sandwiches
Triggered with at least a purple heart, be on your farm at noon.
More affection if you eat her sandwiches for 3 days straight.

Karen's Introduction
Triggered the first time you visit the Supermarket.
More affection for Karen if you say that Duke should pay.

Karen's Question
Triggered with at least a purple heart, visit Hot Springs area.
More affection if you say love life problems.

Karen's Flowers
Triggered with at least a blue heart.
More affection if you plant the flowers.

Mary's Introduction
Triggered the first time you visit the Library.
More affection if you ask what she's writing.

Mary's Question
Triggered with at least a purple heart.
More affection if you say that you came to read a book; less affection if you say just stopping by.

Mary Lets you Read a Book
Triggered with at least a purple heart.
Read the book by pressing triangle while looking at it in your inventory. More affection if you answer the woodcutter.

Popuri's Introduction
Triggered the first time you visit the Poultry Farm.
Follow her to the Hot Springs. More affection if you say my sympathies.

Popuri's Question
Triggered with at least a purple heart.
More affection if you say that it might be fun; less affection if you say that she should stay.

Popuri's Egg
Triggered with at least a purple heart and an empty space for a chicken in your coop.
More affection if you hatch the egg, and even more affection if you name it "Popuri."


WARNING: Do not propose until after the Winter Thanksgiving (Winter 14) festival if you do not have any chocolate for recipes!

Once a girl reaches the red heart level, it means that she wants to marry you. It's not that hard to get married, in fact you only have three requirements.

Your first requirement is for your lady to have and keep the red heart level. If you give her gifts that she hates, eventually her heart level will degrade to the orange level. I don't recommend ever giving anyone gifts that he or she doesn't like.

The second requirement is for your house to have been upgraded twice. This is the second to last upgrade that Gotz offers to you. This upgrade has a kitchen and a separate bedroom instead of your house being a studio-style house. This upgrade costs 750 lumber and 10,000G.

The third and final requirement is obtaining the blue feather. Yeah, that's right. Instead of a diamond ring, the girls want a pretty feather. Once a girl gets to the red heart level, you should be able to buy it. Now, be aware. Won will come to your house one morning and offer you a blue feather. Do not buy that. It is way too expensive, and you can buy one at the Supermarket so much cheaper. Once you get it, it will be considered a tool, not an inventory item. Just go up to your girl and press square when you have it equipped. If you meet the other two requirements, she should say yes. The wedding is in a week, and will be postponed if it is on a festival day.


After a month of marriage, your wife will start complaining of being sick. Naturally, that must mean she's pregnant, right? Well, in this case, that's exactly what that means. Visit the Clinic to get a cut scene of the great news. However, there will be more waiting.

Your wife says different things throughout the pregnancy. Although it is a very long and boring time, it only takes two seasons for the baby to be born. You can name it, but it will always be a boy.

After a bit, your baby will start to grow with people remarking that he looks just like you.


The rivals mentioned above are really nobody to fret against, they're more of a back up in case you don't want the girl. If you marry their girl, the guy doesn't get married to someone else. They're alone, forever.

Since they don't really pose a threat to you, why are they there? Well, you don't want to be the only married couple with a baby in the town, do you?

Getting the rival couples to marry isn't difficult, but also time consuming. This isn't an every day task of giving someone a gift, but you should talk with the guys often and occasionally give them gifts. Eventually, you will be rewarded with cut scenes.

Cliff: A reserved guy who lives at the Inn and spends most of his time at the Church.

Birthday: Summer 6
Family: None

Doctor: A guy who later reveals his name as Tim who works at the doctor at the Clinic.

Birthday: Fall 17
Family: None

Rick: He tends to the chickens at the Poultry Farm.

Birthday: Fall 27
Family: Rod (Father), Lillia (Mother), and Popuri (Sister)

Gray: A guy who apprentices at the blacksmith and spends his free time reading.

Birthday: Winter 6
Family: Saibara (Grandfather)

Kai: He loves summer and only visits then at his Seaside Lodge.

Birthday: Summer 22
Family: None

In order for your rivals to get married, you must witness some cut scenes between the two future lovebirds. There aren't many, however I am fairly certain that they cannot marry until at least year two.

These cut scenes will not occur one right after the other so don't expect that. Also, after the last scene, they will get married.

Cliff and Ann

WARNING: When Duke offers you a job at the winery, tell Cliff about it or he will leave town.
  1. Enter the Church.
  2. Enter the Inn.
  3. Enter the Inn.
  4. Enter Vineyard area.
  5. Enter second floor of the Inn.
Doctor and Elli
  1. Enter the Clinic a second time.
  2. Enter the Clinic.
  3. Enter the Beach.
  4. Enter the Church.
  5. Enter the Clinic.
Rick and Karen
  1. Enter the Church area.
  2. Enter Poultry Farm.
  3. Enter Poultry Farm, not winter.
  4. Enter Supermarket area.
  5. Marry Popuri, or have Kai marry her, then enter Poultry Farm, not winter.
Gray and Mary
  1. Enter the Square.
  2. Enter the Library area.
  3. Enter the Blacksmith's.
  4. Enter the Library.
  5. Enter the Library.
Kai and Popuri
All of Kai and Popuri's cut scenes will only occur during summer.

WARNING: Popuri and Kai will leave the village and only visit during festivals when they marry.
  1. Enter Poultry Farm.
  2. Enter the Beach.
  3. Enter the Beach.
  4. Enter the Beach.
After the rival couple marries, they will have a baby who will be your baby's friend.

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Saturday, August 1, 2015

Harvest Moon Back to Nature Guide: Events, Fatigue, Power Berries, and Harvest Sprites

Harvest Moon: Back to Nature

Events, Fatigue, Power Berries, and Harvest Sprites

WARNING: This guide could contain spoilers! Please keep that in mind as you read.


One of my favorite parts of the Harvest Moon series is witnessing cut scenes. Instead of it being just purely a farming simulation, it also has interactive characters whose lives change as the years go on. These cut scenes are most definitely spoilers so keep that in mind. Also, even though other events are listed in other parts of the guide, I am re-listing them here for convenience. They will also be organized special for the girls and rivals. The scenes that lead to marriage will be listed first followed by rival scenes followed by other scenes. The rival scenes will only appear in the order listed.


  • First visiting the inn will trigger this scene where Doug asks what you think of Ann. If you say that she's cute, Doug and Ann will like you more.
  • After Ann has a purple heart, she will run into you outside of the Inn where she asks you if you think she will marry someday. If you answer yes, she will like you more.
  • When you have three adult chickens, Ann will visit your farm one morning and ask for you to deliver three eggs to the Inn each day for a week. Accept (for some reason her heart level goes down a little) and deliver the eggs non-stop until she doesn't accept them anymore. If a festival occurs during that week, don't worry about delivering the eggs- it will start back off where you were.
  • Visit the Church to witness Ann coming in to try to get Cliff to come home to the Inn.
  • Visit the Inn one day and walk upstairs to see Ann giving Cliff a meal.
  • Visit the Inn to see Ann talking to Cliff about how long he's going to stay
  • Visit the Vineyard to see Ann taking Cliff a meal.
  • Visit the second floor of the Inn to see Doug and Cliff having a talk. This the final rival event which results in Cliff and Ann getting married soon after.

    • If Ann has a purple heart, she will invite you to her birthday party for Summer 17. When it is the 17th, bring the invitation to the Inn along with something she loves wrapped up. She will like you a lot more.
    • Visit the Square during Winter to see Cliff collapse into the snow. Talk to him to find a photo and visit the Inn to tell Ann and Doug. The next scene is everyone at the Clinic. Bring the photo to Cliff to have him talk to you and like you more. Ann, Doug, and the Doctor will also like you more.
    • Plant at least 90 flowers on your farm. When they bloom, Anna should come by and ask to pick some. Afterwards she will give you a power berry.
    • When you first visit Yodel Ranch, he will offer a pony for you to raise. Take good care of him and you can keep him in a year.
    • Barley will visit you one morning on your farm to tell you that May is missing. Go to the Beach at night to find May at the pier.
    • One morning, May will show up at your farm to claim that she is bored. Barley will show up and tell her not to bother you. Everyone decides where she should spend the day.
    • During the second year, Barley will show up at your farm and ask to borrow your dog for a little bit. Accept and he will bring him back later and announce that his dog, Hana, is pregnant. Wait another week and the puppies will be born. Give one to either Stu or Harris.
    • One morning, May will show up at your farm to claim that she is bored. Barley will show up and tell her not to bother you. Everyone decides where she should spend the day. Which ends up being that May and Stu will be watched by Carter at the Church.

    • Visit the Church to witness Ann coming in to try to get Cliff to come home to the Inn.
    • Visit the Inn one day and walk upstairs to see Ann giving Cliff a meal.
    • Visit the Inn to see Ann talking to Cliff about how long he's going to stay
    • Visit the Vineyard to see Ann taking Cliff a meal.
    • Visit the second floor of the Inn to see Doug and Cliff having a talk. This is the final rival event which results in Cliff and Ann getting married soon after.
    • One morning, Duke will ask you to help him with harvesting grapes at the Winery for a week. Tell Cliff about this job, and he will join you. After the end of the week, Duke and Manna will offer him a full-time job. This means that he will stay in the town.
    • Visit the Square during Winter to see Cliff collapse into the snow. Talk to him to find a photo and visit the Inn to tell Ann and Doug. The next scene is everyone at the Clinic. Bring the photo to Cliff to have him talk to you and like you more. Ann, Doug, and the Doctor will also like you more.
    Doctor Tim

    • Visit the Clinic for the second time to be rewarded with a cut scene of the Doctor telling Elli that she would make a great mother.
    • Visit the Clinic to see Elli with a cold and the Doctor telling her not to work so hard.
    • Visit the Beach to have the Doctor questioning his helpfulness to the village.
    • Visit the Church to see the Doctor saying that he isn't good at delivering babies.
    • Visit the Clinic to see the Doctor telling Elli that he isn't leaving. This is the final rival event which results in the Doctor and Elli getting married soon after.
    • Visit the Square during Winter to see Cliff collapse into the snow. Talk to him to find a photo and visit the Inn to tell Ann and Doug. The next scene is everyone at the Clinic. Bring the photo to Cliff to have him talk to you and like you more. Ann, Doug, and the Doctor will also like you more.
    • First visiting the inn will trigger this scene where Doug asks what you think of Ann. If you say that she's cute, Doug and Ann will like you more.
    • Visit the second floor of the Inn to see Doug and Cliff having a talk. This the final rival event which results in Cliff and Ann getting married soon after.
    • One morning, Duke will ask you to help him with harvesting grapes at the Winery for a week. Tell Cliff about this job, and he will join you. After the end of the week, Duke and Manna will offer him a full-time job. This means that he will stay in the town.
    • Visit the Inn to find Duke passed out on the floor with a glass of water nearby. Pick up the glass and throw it at him, pressing X.
    • The first time you visit the Inn during the Summer, you will see Rick and Duke arguing with Kai. You can say that either party is wrong.
    • Visit the Supermarket for the first time. Duke will be looking around and telling Jeff that he is taking something and to put it on the tab. Tell him that he should pay for it. Karen will come out and say the same thing.
    • One morning, the mayor will ask you to take an apple pie from the Inn to Ellen.

    • Visit the Clinic for the first time to have Elli react to a cut on you. Tell her that it's excruciating, and she will give you a band-aid. Go outside to see Stu crying. Give him the band-aid, and Elli will come ask what happened. Choose " I was okay" and she will like you more.
    • Visit the Clinic when Elli has a purple heart to have her ask how farm life is going. Answer that it's fun to have her like you more.
    • When her heart is blue, Elli will visit you one day with sandwiches. Try them every day for three days.
    • Visit the Clinic for the second time to be rewarded with a cut scene of the Doctor telling Elli that she would make a great mother.
    • Visit the Clinic to see Elli with a cold and the Doctor telling her not to work so hard.
    • Visit the Beach to have the Doctor questioning his helpfulness to the village.
    • Visit the Church to see the Doctor saying that he isn't good at delivering babies.
    • Visit the Clinic to see the Doctor telling Elli that he isn't leaving. This is the final rival event which results in the Doctor and Elli getting married soon after.
    • When you give the Harvest Goddess 15 items from your farm, she will reward you with special lumber that Gotz will take. He will like you more.
    • If Gotz likes you enough, when you attempt to go up Mother Hill when it's snowing, Gotz will try to stop you. If you continue going, he will come rescue you. When you wake in his house, he tells you of his tragic family story.

    • Visit the Square for the first time, to see Gray and Mary talking.
    • Visit the Library area later in the day to see Gray and Mary talking about a book that he is borrowing from her.
    • Visit the Blacksmith's to see Gray, Mary, and Saibara. Gray hurts himself and Saibara helps and gets ointment.
    • Visit the Library to see the couple talking about the book that Gray had borrowed from Mary.
    • Visit the Library to hear that Gray was promoted to Master Blacksmith. This is the final rival event which results in Gray and Mary getting married soon after.
    • When Gray likes you more, he will visit your farm to help you out for a few days. He will pull all of your weeds, make a hammer that shatters, and finally apologize about being annoying then leave.
    • Visit the Beach early in the morning and walk to the end of the pier. Greg will be there fishing. Talk to him and he will give you a Fishing Rod.
    • After you get 50 fish in your pond, he will reward you by giving you a Fishing Pole which has higher chances of catching fish.
    • During the second year, Barley will show up at your farm and ask to borrow your dog for a little bit. Accept and he will bring him back later and announce that his dog, Hana, is pregnant. Wait another week and the puppies will be born. Give one to either Stu or Harris.
    • One night when you visit Gotz's house area, Harris and a few other villagers are talking about an eerie shadow in the woods.
    • The first time you visit the Inn after the first year ends, Harris and several other villagers will be huddled around talking about stolen items. Go to the kitchen to see the thief.
    • When Harris likes you, he will visit you one day and tell you about him liking a special someone. Tell Manna about this and she will help out.
    • One of the first few days on the farm, Harris will tell you of a shady character to be aware. Won will show up shortly after on your farm to rest against your apple tree. Visit the Square to tell Harris about Won. He will go towards your farm when Won enters the Square. Go to Gotz's house to intercept Harris to tell him more about Won.
    Harvest Goddess
    • When you give the Harvest Goddess items, she rewards you will sunny days and occasionally something special.
    • When you give the Harvest Goddess 15 items from your farm, she will reward you with special lumber that Gotz will take. He will like you more.
    Harvest Sprites
    • During Spring, bring 7 gifts (one for each) for the Tea Party at around 3:00PM. They will start the party after you give out the gifts. You will get Relaxation Tea Leaves. They really like Flour.
    • To celebrate his picture being chosen, Jeff throws a big sale at the Supermarket. Several villagers will stop by thinking that the store is closing down. They pay their tabs.
    • Visit the Supermarket for the first time. Duke will be looking around and telling Jeff that he is taking something and to put it on the tab. Tell him that he should pay for it. Karen will come out and say the same thing.

    • The first time you visit the Poultry Farm when it turns Summer to see Rick and Kai arguing.
    • Visit the Beach during Summer to see Popuri and Kai talking about why he doesn't stay in the village.
    • Visit the Beach to see the couple talking again. Popuri talks about leaving the village. Kai says he doesn't think she will.
    • Visit the Beach later to see a continuation of the previous conversation of Popuri leaving town.
    • Visit the Beach to see them talking about leaving again. If you want Popuri to leave with Kai and get married: don't tell Rick. If you want Popuri to stay: tell Rick.
    • The first time you visit the Inn during the Summer, you will see Rick and Duke arguing with Kai. You can say that either party is wrong.
    • One morning, Kai will visit your farm and ask if you have any corn. You can sell one to him for 50G, 100G, or 200G. Don't tell him 200G or else he will not accept and walk away.
    • If Kai likes you enough, you can invite him to the Fireworks Festival.
    • On days after hurricanes, go to the Beach and pick up a bottle. Kai will ask you how long you will stay in the village. If you say yes, he will give you perfume which you can give to a girl.
    • Drop 3 cucumbers into Mother Hill Lake on a sunny day to have a Kappa give you the mystic berry.

    • Visit the Supermarket for the first time. Duke will be looking around and telling Jeff that he is taking something and to put it on the tab. Tell him that he should pay for it. Karen will come out and say the same thing.
    • Visit the Hot Springs when Karen has a purple heart level. She will ask you what's wrong. Tell her either farm life or love problems. She will like you more.
    • It must be Spring. Karen will visit your farm for her blue heart level and give you Moondrop flowers. Plant them for her to like you more.
    • The first time you visit the Church area, you will see Karen and Rick talking.
    • Visit the Poultry Farm to see Rick and Karen arguing. Oddly enough, this benefits their relationship.
    • Visit the Poultry Farm to see Karen and Lillia talking. Lillia comments that Karen takes good care of her and that she could be her daughter.
    • Visit the Supermarket/Clinic area to see Karen and Rick talking about Karen's parents fighting.
    • After Popuri marries Kai or you, visit the Poultry Farm to see Rick upset about Popuri leaving. This is the final rival event which results in Rick and Karen getting married soon after.
    • Visit the Poultry Farm to see Karen and Lillia talking. Lillia comments that Karen takes good care of her and that she could be her daughter.
    • If you give Louis honey from your farm, he will come to visit you one morning. He will tell you that these are rare bees and that their honey will now ship for more.
    • One morning, Duke will ask you to help him with harvesting grapes at the Winery for a week. Tell Cliff about this job, and he will join you. After the end of the week, Duke and Manna will offer him a full-time job. This means that he will stay in the town.
    • When Harris likes you, he will visit you one day and tell you about him liking a special someone. Tell Manna about this and she will help out.
    • Barley will visit you one morning on your farm to tell you that May is missing. Go to the Beach at night to find May at the pier.
    • One morning, May will show up at your farm to claim that she is bored. Barley will show up and tell her not to bother you. Everyone decides where she should spend the day. Which ends up being that May and Stu will be watched by Carter at the Church.
    • Visit the Church area to see May and Stu playing. May talks about liking you. Tell you that she when she's older, she can be with you.

    • The first time you visit the Library, you will see Mary writing a book. Ask what she's writing to get her to like you more.
    • When Mary has a purple heart, visit the Library to have her ask you a question. If you say that you had come to read, she will like you more.
    • One morning, Mary will come visit your farm for her blue heart event. She lets you read a book. Read it by pressing triangle over it in the inventory menu. Answer her question with the woodcutter.
    • Visit the Square for the first time, to see Gray and Mary talking.
    • Visit the Library area later in the day to see Gray and Mary talking about a book that he is borrowing from her.
    • Visit the Blacksmith's to see Gray, Mary, and Saibara. Gray hurts himself and Saibara helps and gets ointment.
    • Visit the Library to see the couple talking about the book that Gray had borrowed from Mary.
    • Visit the Library to hear that Gray was promoted to Master Blacksmith. This is the final rival event which results in Gray and Mary getting married soon after.

    • The first time you visit the Poultry farm, you will see Popuri and Rick arguing. She will run off to the Hot Springs area. Follow her and tell her "my sympathies." She will like you more.
    • Visit the Poultry Farm when Popuri has a purple heart, and she will ask you what you think about her leaving town. Tell her that it might be fun. She will like you more.
    • For the blue heart event, Popuri will visit your farm with an egg. Make sure that you have an empty spot in your chicken coop. Hatch it and name it "Popuri" for the maximum amount of heart levels for Popuri.
    • The first time you visit the Poultry Farm when it turns Summer to see Rick and Kai arguing.
    • Visit the Beach during Summer to see Popuri and Kai talking about why he doesn't stay in the village.
    • Visit the Beach to see the couple talking again. Popuri talks about leaving the village. Kai says he doesn't think she will.
    • Visit the Beach later to see a continuation of the previous conversation of Popuri leaving town.
    • Visit the Beach to see them talking about leaving again. If you want Popuri to leave with Kai and get married: don't tell Rick. If you want Popuri to stay: tell Rick.
    • After Popuri marries Kai or you, visit the Poultry Farm to see Rick upset about Popuri leaving. This is the final rival event which results in Rick and Karen getting married soon after.

    • The first time you visit the Church area, you will see Karen and Rick talking.
    • Visit the Poultry Farm to see Rick and Karen arguing. Oddly enough, this benefits their relationship.
    • Visit the Poultry Farm to see Karen and Lillia talking. Lillia comments that Karen takes good care of her and that she could be her daughter.
    • Visit the Supermarket/Clinic area to see Karen and Rick talking about Karen's parents fighting.
    • After Popuri marries Kai or you, visit the Poultry Farm to see Rick upset about Popuri leaving. This is the final rival event which results in Rick and Karen getting married soon after.
    • The first time you visit the Inn during the Summer, you will see Rick and Duke arguing with Kai. You can say that either party is wrong.
    • The first time you visit the Poultry Farm when it turns Summer to see Rick and Kai arguing.
    • Visit the Beach to see them talking about leaving again. If you want Popuri to leave with Kai and get married: don't tell Rick. If you want Popuri to stay: tell Rick.
    • When you have the Chicken Coop upgraded, Rick will come by and ask you to take care of five of his chickens for a bit.
    • Visit the Blacksmith's to see Gray, Mary, and Saibara. Gray hurts himself and Saibara helps and gets ointment.
    • One morning, May will show up at your farm to claim that she is bored. Barley will show up and tell her not to bother you. Everyone decides where she should spend the day. Which ends up being that May and Stu will be watched by Carter at the Church.
    • During the second year, Barley will show up at your farm and ask to borrow your dog for a little bit. Accept and he will bring him back later and announce that his dog, Hana, is pregnant. Wait another week and the puppies will be born. Give one to either Stu or Harris.
    • Visit the Clinic for the first time to have Elli react to a cut on you. Tell her that it's excruciating, and she will give you a band-aid. Go outside to see Stu crying. Give him the band-aid, and Elli will come ask what happened. Choose " I was okay" and she will like you more.
    • One morning, the mayor will ask you to take an apple pie from the Inn to Ellen.
    • The first year on Spring 16, the mayor will ask you to bring him 3 turnips. Grow them immediately then deliver them before the Cooking Festival.
    • One of the first few days on the farm, Harris will tell you of a shady character to be aware. Won will show up shortly after on your farm to rest against your apple tree. Visit the Square to tell Harris about Won. He will go towards your farm when Won enters the Square. Go to Gotz's house to intercept Harris to tell him more about Won.
    • Won will try to rip you off with his sales. Be careful about what he sells. The only really useful thing is the ball.

    Fatigue & Power Berries

    Using your tools throughout the day will wear out your character- just like real life. When you start the game, your stamina seems pretty low. Especially those first few days when you're clearing your field. Your stamina runs lower if it is raining or snowing. There are stages of fatigue. Basically, I watch for the animation of your character falling on the ground. When he does that, stop working or run to the Hot Springs. If you continue working, your character will eventually fall down, black out, and wake up in the Clinic.

    The Hot Springs are the best and easiest way to gain back stamina. Just sit in there for a bit. Another way is to drink medicine or eat some food. However, they do not work nearly as well.

    Since you might be running out of stamina a lot, there is a way to make it where you have more stamina permanently: Power Berries. They are fairly rare in the game, but not too hard to obtain.

    1. Mystic Berry: Throw 3 cucumbers into Mother Hill Lake.
    2. Attempt to cut down the tree on Mother Hill.
    3. Throw 5 items from your farm into the water as an offering.
    4. Dig up one in Waterfall Mine, random.
    5. Fish one up at the Beach, random.
    6. First time you win the Swimming Festival.
    7. Buy one from the Shopping Channel.
    8. Dig up one in the Winter Mine, random.
    9. Go behind the Winter Mine's island and press X.
    10. Plant 90 flowers and have Anna pick some.
    11. Trade 1,001 medals at the Horse Race.

    Harvest Sprites

    These little helpers are a blessing in the game. They live in the hut behind the Church. When you enter, their iconic music starts playing. You can ask them to either water crops, harvest crops, or take care of animals. During Spring all they talk about is their tea party, but if you talk to them five times, they will offer help on the farm. Any other season only requires talking to them twice. They will work for consecutive things either one day, 3 days, and 7 days.

    The best thing about these guys is that you can get them to work for you during days that you either cannot work due to an event occuring or that you are feeling lazy.

    Keep in mind which Harvest Sprites do what task for you. What do I mean by that? They have a hidden skill level for each chore. The more that they do it, the better and faster they will be.

    There are seven of these little guys:

    Chef: the red one
    Nappy: the orange one
    Hoggy: the yellow one
    Timid: the green one
    Aqua: the aqua one
    Staid: the blue one
    Bold: the purple one

    More Harvest Moon: Back to Nature Guides!