Saturday, October 17, 2015

Bravely Default Guide: Chapter One

Bravely Default

Chapter One

WARNING: This guide could contain spoilers! Please keep that in mind as you read.


Travel to Ancheim after landing the Eschalot.

There are quite a few shops in town to visit. The Inn charges 20 PG per night.


Potion     20PG
Hi-Potion     150PG
Phoenix Down     100PG
Antidote     10PG
Eye Drops     20PG
Echo Herbs     25PG
Teleport Stone     100PG


Long Sword     500PG
Mace     300PG
Oaken Pole     250PG
Kukri     350PG
Iron Knuckles     280PG

Round Shield     300PG

Iron Helm     200PG
Tricorne     150PG
Feather Hat     100PG

Iron Armor     500PG
Silk Robe     350PG
Bronze Breastplate     400PG

Gauntlets     100PG
Iron Bangle     75PG
Star Pendant     500PG
Silver Glasses     500PG


Protect     400PG
Shell     400PG
Aero     400PG

Silence     400PG
Poison     400PG
Sleep     400PG

Slow     200PG
Regen     200PG
Quake     200PG

Go to the assembly in front of the palace, then enter the palace.

Now, after this cutscene, you will notice that there is a blue ! on the map in the town. This indicates that there is a job quest. These are essentially side quests where you earn more asteriks. For the sake of the order of the guide, I will include them in as though they are part of the main story.

Thief Job Quest

Visit the Khamer Profiteur Merchantry in Ancheim, and talk to Chairman Profiteur. Leave the building and inspect the water fountain just outside. Leave Ancheim and go to the Oasis. After the cutscenes, go to the cave.

Harena Ruins

WARNING: There are enemies that inflict blind and silence! Environmental blind!

Silence is really only annoying to those jobs who have to cast spells because silence makes it to where you can't cast spells.

Let me explain "environmental blind." After going through some of the ruins, you might notice these oddly shaped structures on the sides of the walls. When you run past, they spew out sand. Don't let the sand hit you, or you will have all blind characters.

Items in the area:
  • 1PG at 1F
  • Echo Herbs at B1
  • 1500PG at B1
  • Star Pendant at B1
  • Clothespin at B1
  • Ether at B2
  • Thief Gloves at B2
  • Iron Bow at B2
  • Blue Chest at B2
  • Save at B2

Greater Cait
HP:  Easy: 337  Normal: 450  Hard: 607
Weak: Water
Abilities: Pay to Play, Silence

Sand Worm
HP:  Easy: 450  Normal: 600  Hard: 810
Weak: Water
Abilities: Sandstorm

Venomous Snake
HP:  Easy: 187  Normal: 250  Hard: 337
Weak: Water, Earth
Abilities: Venomous Fangs

Go past the adventurer to the other room to start a boss battle.

The Jackal

HP:  Easy: 3750  Normal: 5000  Hard: 6750
Weak: N/A
Abilities: Steal

Ciggma Khint

HP:  Easy: 3750  Normal: 5000  Hard: 6750
Weak: N/A
Abilities: Sword Magic Fire, Sword Magic Silence

Before going into this battle, make sure that you have some echo herbs handy. Since Khint will leave The Jackal by himself after getting down to half health, focus on Khint first. Use your echo herbs if your white mage or black mage is silenced. After Khint has left, focus on The Jackal and take him out.


An expert at stealing items!
-High AGI, can act early in a turn
-Favors daggers

Specialty: Master Thief
Job Command: Thievery

Best Weapon: Dagger

Use a teleport stone to exit or explore the rest of the ruins. Afterwards, go back to Ancheim and heal.

Merchant Job Quest

Right after finishing the thief side quest, the merchant one should be available to complete. Go to the Khamer Profiteur Merchantry where you will talk then immediately begin another boss battle.

Erutus Profiteur

HP:  Easy: 4500  Normal: 6000  Hard: 8100
Weak: N/A
Abilities: Pay to Play, Takeover

Ciggma Khint

HP:  Easy: 3750  Normal: 5000  Hard: 6750
Weak: N/A
Abilities: Sword Magic Fire, Sword Magic Silence

This battle can be fairly difficult if you are not a high enough level or if you do not have special moves yet. If you are a lower level, purchase several phoenix downs and definitely have a healer. Like last time, focus on Khint because he will leave again. Profiteur is actually pretty difficult as his Takeover will always hit with 300 damage. His usual strategy is that he will default to have an extra action, then he will brave and hit with two takeovers. Don't even try to use protect as it doesn't work. Also, try not to attack during his defaults, generally if you see that he is 0 or -1 then don't waste your attacks.


Good at both saving and spending money!
-Attacks and supports using wealth
-Favors staves and daggers

Specialty: More Money
Job Command: Commerce

Best Weapons: Staves, Daggers, Spears

Now that that's done, leave Ancheim and go to the Wind Temple.

Temple of Wind

WARNING: There are enemies that inflict sleep!

Sleep is one of the most annoying statuses being as it literally makes that character fall asleep. They do not get to attack or default, but can be woken up by being hit or using a wakeup bell.

Items in the area:
  • Wind Charm at 1F
  • Remedy at B1
  • Hi-Potion at B1
  • Turbo Ether at B1
  • Ether at 2F
  • Mythril Rod at 2F
  • Summon at 2F
  • Mythril Dagger at 1F
  • Save at 1F

Aero Lantern
HP:  Easy: 300  Normal: 400  Hard: 540
Weak: Fire
Abilities: Aero, White Wind

HP:  Easy: 375  Normal: 500  Hard: 675
Weak: Wind
Abilities: Protect, Sleep

HP:  Easy: 675  Normal: 900  Hard: 1215
Weak: Water
Abilities: Megaton Punch, Spin Slam

Go all the way to the end, then go into the room with the !. After the cutscene, leave the temple, making sure to hit the lever for the easier exit. Fly over to the ! at Yulyana Woods.

Yulyana Woods

Speak to the fox after all of the cutscenes to access the shops.


Mythril Sword     1000PG
Mythril Axe     1200PG
Mythril Spear     900PG
Mythril Rod     750PG
Mythril Staff     600PG
Mythril Dagger     700PG
Mytril Bow     850PG
Mythril Knuckles     500PG

Mythril Shield     600PG

Mythril Helm     400PG
Cat-Ear Hood     222PG
Tiger Mask     250PG

Mythril Armor     1000PG
Tabby Suit     700PG
Mythril Plate     850PG

Mythril Gloves     200PG
Mythril Bangle     150PG
Mage Shell     300PG
White Cape     1000PG
Clothespin     100PG


Potion     20PG
Hi-Potion     150PG
Phoenix Down     100PG
Ether     1000PG
Antidote     10PG
Eye Drops     20PG
Echo Herbs     25PG
Wakeup Bell     50PG
Teleport Stone     100PG


Cure     200PG
Poisona     200PG
Blindna     200PG

Fire     200PG
Blizzard     200PG
Thunder     200PG

Go to the cave just south of his house.

Vestment Cave

WARNING: There are enemies that inflict confusion, dread, and poison!

Confusion makes it so that that character attacks allies. Dread makes it so that you can't brave or default.

Items in the area:
  • Hi-Potion at 1F
  • Phoenix Down at 1F
  • 500PG at B1
  • Blue Chest at B1
  • Remedy at B1
  • Mage Shell at B2
  • Echo Herbs at B2
  • Ether at B2
  • 1000PG at B2
  • Teleport Stone at B2
  • Save at B3

Blood Bat
HP:  Easy: 450  Normal: 600  Hard: 810
Weak: Wind, Light
Abilities: Magic Thirst, Venomous Fangs

Dark Lantern
HP:  Easy: 450  Normal: 600  Hard: 810
Weak: Light
Abilities: Fear

Great Moth
HP:  Easy: 450  Normal: 600  Hard: 810
Weak: Wind
Abilities: Wing Scales

Zombie Wolf
HP:  Easy: 525  Normal: 700  Hard: 945
Weak: Fire, Light
Abilities: Self-Cannibalize

Go to the bottom of the cave to see the thread when a boss appears.

HP:  Easy: 5625  Normal: 7500  Hard: 10125
Weak: Water
Abilities: Bully, Mow Down

This battle isn't too difficult, but keep an eye out for mow downs and try to heal through them. This is the easiest dragon in the game.

Once you get the thread, go back to Yulyana Woods. Afterwards, go back to the Wind Temple and go to the crystal. Where another boss battle will occur.

Both heads have the same HP, but don't share HP.
HP:  Easy: 3750  Normal: 5000  Hard: 6750

Red head
Weak: Water
Abilities: Bite, Blazzard, Flaming Fangs, Hellfire

Blue head
Weak: Fire
Abilities: Bite, Blazzard, Deep Freeze, Icy Fangs

Make sure that you have a black mage as it makes this so much easier. Try to focus on one head as they will release a devastating blazzard if both of the heads are glowing. To have the head stop glowing, just hit it with its weakness. As long as one head is gone, it won't cast blazzard.

Awaken the crystal after the battle, then go to Ancheim. After the speech, leave Ancheim.

Time Mage and Spell Fencer Job Quest

Come back to Ancheim at night. In order to come back at night, just run around in the outside world until it turns dark. Then, go into the Grand Mill Works. This place is directly next to the magics shop to the right of it where a guard hangs out during the day.

Grand Mill Works

WARNING: There are enemies that inflict sleep and blind!

Items in the area:
  • Blue Chest at 2F
  • Earthing Rod at 2F
  • Ether at 2F
  • X-Potion at 2F
  • Remedy at 2F
  • Phoenix Down at 3F
  • Hi-Potion at 3F
  • Save at 3F

Greater Cait
HP:  Easy: 337  Normal: 450  Hard: 607
Weak: Water
Abilities: Pay to Play, Silence

Merchantry Blade
HP:  Easy: 675  Normal: 900  Hard: 1215
Weak: Lightning
Abilities: Carotid Slash, Final Strike

Merchantry Mage
HP:  Easy: 525  Normal: 700  Hard: 945
Weak: N/A
Abilities: Fire, Sleep

Merchantry Thug
HP:  Easy: 600  Normal: 800  Hard: 1080
Weak: N/A
Abilities: Eye Gouge, Psych Up, Strong Strike

Go to the elevator at 3F and take it to the roof. Walk along the roof to the door, then go to the end of the walkway for the boss battle.

Eloch Quentis Khamer VIII

HP:  Easy: 4500  Normal: 6000  Hard: 8100
Weak: N/A
Abilities: Quara, Stop, Veilga

Ciggma Khint

HP:  Easy: 4500  Normal: 6000  Hard: 8100
Weak: N/A
Abilities: Sword Magic Fire, Sword Magic Silence

Even though Khint does not leave during this boss battle, try to focus on him first anyway because of his silence attack. Khamer is not really difficult as his most powerful attack is Quara. Beat them both to get both of the asteriks.

Time Mage

Uses time magic to turn the tide of battle!
-Skilled at time magic
-Favors staves

Specialty: Time Slip
Job Command: Time Magic

Best Weapons: Staves

Spell Fencer

A warrior that imbues weapons with magic!
-Adds elemental effects to attacks
-Favors swords

Specialty: Anti-Magic
Job Command: Sword Magic

Best Weapons: Swords

Leave Ancheim and go to the Eschalot. Now, go to the forest to start Chapter Two.

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Bravely Default Guide: Chapter Zero

Bravely Default

Chapter Zero

WARNING: This guide could contain spoilers! Please keep that in mind as you read.


Begin the game with a fairy and the introduction of the main four characters. The first character you obtain is Tiz Arrior.

A young man, and sole survivor of the Great Chasm. After waking, he had a fateful encounter with the wind vestal, Agnès.

A nineteen-year-old boy from Norende. A simple and honest soul, he has a gentle and amiable demeanor that makes him well-liked. He acts as a mediator between friends, and often ends up with a lot on his plate (for which I am partly responsible).

Likes: Hot home cooking, seafood
Dislikes: Gaudy baubles, crowds

When the cutscenes are finished, head out of the Inn and make your way to the palace at the top of the town. Talk to the king sitting at the throne. Afterwards, leave the town at the bottom, then go to the ! on your map. These ! indicate that you are meant to go there for the main mission.

Norende Ravine

Items in the area:
  • Potion at the climb
  • 200PG at the climb
  • At the end of vista

HP:  Easy: 13  Normal: 18  Hard: 24
Weak: N/A
Abilities: Charge

Goblin Archer
HP:  Easy: 15  Normal: 20  Hard: 27
Weak: N/A
Abilities: Sharpshoot

Goblin Slasher
HP:  Easy: 15  Normal: 20  Hard: 27
Weak: Lightning
Abilities: Guard

Reach the top to find Angès Oblige and have her join the party!

Of the Oblige line, she met Airy on a hill above the chasm. She encountered Tiz as foretold after he miraculously escaped death.

A twenty-year-old girl from Ancheim. As a vestal, she has devoted her life to the crystals. She escaped the Temple of Wind after it was overrun by dark forces, and came to investigate the Great Chasm. She has absolutely no sense of direction.

Likes: Sweet treats
Dislikes: Meat, crowds, being lost

After the cutscenes, more enemies will show up as you run back down the ravine.


Goblin, Goblin Archer, Goblin Slasher

Sky Dueler
HP:  Easy: 45  Normal: 60  Hard: 81
Weak: Lightning
Abilities: Prey On Weak

Sky Archer
HP:  Easy: 45  Normal: 60  Hard: 81
Weak: Lightning
Abilities: Poison Arrow

Exit the ravine after fighting all the enemies and sit through more cutscenes. At the end of the ravine, there will be a party chat. Hit the Y button to read through the conversation. These are not crucial to the storyline, but they provide more lore.

Go back to Caldisla and be sure to visit the Inn to heal up. This is the only Inn in the game where you can heal for free. There is an Inn in each town.

Afterwards, head back to the palace to talk to the king. After you are done with this, be sure to visit some of the shops in town.


Broadsword     70PG
Rod     60PG
Staff     10PG
Dagger     50PG

Buckler     50PG

Bronze Helm     40PG
Leather Cap     15PG
Pointy Hat     20PG

Leather Armor     120PG
Hempen Tunic     20PG
Kenpo Gi     100PG
Linen Cuirass     80PG

Bronze Gauntlets     40PG
Bronze Bangle     40PG

Pay attention to the numbers displayed when switching between items. Obviously, red numbers are less than what you currently have equipped, and the blue numbers are more. Certain classes use items easier than others. For instance, a monk is not very good at using Rods, but good with Knuckles. They are classified by letters: S (being the best), A, B, C, D, E (being the worst). When you are done buying and selling, you can equip by talking to the salesman or go to your pause menu and equip from there. I like to use the recommended items as it just makes it easier.


Potion     20PG
Phoenix Down     100PG
Antidote     10PG
Eye Drops     20PG
Echo Herbs     25PG
Teleport Stone     100PG

Don't worry if you don't know what all these items are. The trader will give you a brief explanation when you have it highlighted.


Cure     200PG
Poisona     200PG
Blindna     200PG

Fire     200PG
Blizzard     200PG
Thunder     200PG

Certain magics are only usable with certain classes. For instance, a white mage can use cure, but cannot use fire.

After you go through all three of the shops here, leave town and go to the lake to have a boss battle.

Barras Lehr

HP:  Easy: 225  Normal: 300  Hard: 405
Weak: N/A
Abilities: Invigorate

Holly Whyte

HP:  Easy: 187  Normal: 250  Hard: 337
Weak: N/A
Abilities: Aero, Cure, Protect

The easiest way to beat this boss battle is to focus on Holly first. Yes, Barras can hit hard, but Holly can always heal him and herself. Once Holly gets down to a low health level, she will start healing herself. She can heal quite a bit, so use brave to get through those heals to wipe her out. Now that she's gone, just keep hitting Barras until he's KO'ed.

After you beat the two of them, you will be awarded with asteriks. These are jobs that you can assign to the four characters of your team.


A brute strength attacker!
-High HP and P.ATK
-Powerful attacks with bare hands

Specialty: Knuckle Lore
Job Command: Martial Arts

Best Weapons:
Staves, Knuckles

White Mage

Aids allies with healing and support magic!
-Skilled at white magic
-Favors staves

Specialty: Self-healing
Job Command: White Magic

Best Weapons:

Travel back to Caldisla, go to the palace, and speak to the king. He will speak of rebuilding Norende. The town is rebuilt for the purpose of getting really good items. You can have your friends and other people on the internet rebuild the town with you. The more people you have working, the faster things will be done. Bosses will also spawn here. These bosses are incredibly difficult.

Go to the Inn and witness some cutscenes. Now, you have Ringabel!

Though my memory is gone, this name seems engraved upon my mind somehow. A tattered journal is my sole remaining possession. Who am I?

A man of unknown age, currently experiencing amnesia. Clearly a man of high morals. Taciturn and reflective, I believe I am a gentleman well-liked by all.

Likes: Spicy things, juicy things
Dislikes: Sweet things

Now, leave town and go to the keep.

Centro Keep

WARNING: There are enemies that inflict blindness!

Blind is an annoying status debuff that makes it to where you are greatly less likely to hit the enemy.

Items in the area:
  • Silver Glasses at 2F, right side
  • Phoenix Down at 3F
  • Echo Herbs at 3F
  • Wakeup Bell at 3F
  • Potion at 2F, left side
  • Mage Masher at 2F, left side
  • 2F, left side

Cait Sith
HP:  Easy: 45  Normal: 60  Hard: 81
Weak: Water
Abilities: Blind

HP:  Easy: 60  Normal: 80  Hard: 108
Weak: Fire
Abilities: Thrust

Orc Leader
HP:  Easy: 75  Normal: 100  Hard: 135
Weak: Fire
Abilities: Encourage

Along with finding treasure chests in this area, it is very important to find the switches in order to advance to new areas.

A beautiful girl who served under the black mage when Caldisla was set alight. Unable to forgive the duchy's brutality, she switched allegiance to the vestal.

An eighteen-year-old girl hailing from Eternia. On first impression, she appears to be a spoiled princess type. However, while strong-willed and opinionated, she is also kind and filled with a sense of justice. She never shies away from a conflict.

Likes: REALLY sweet things
Dislikes: Cooking, hassle, insects

When you reach the area with Edea and Ominas, there will be a cutscene. After the lengthy cutscene, Edea will join your party!

Ominas Crowe

HP:  Easy: 1350  Normal: 1800  Hard: 2430
Weak: N/A
Abilities: Fire

There is no real strategy with the boss battle. Just hit him and be prepared to heal after his fire attacks.

Black Mage

Uses attack magic to assault groups of foes!
-Skilled at black magic
-Favors rods

Specialty: Black Resonance
Job Command: Black Magic

Best Weapons: Rods

Leave the keep, enter Caldisla and go up to the palace.

For a brief bit, Edea is the only party member. Just go to the graveyard and listen to Karl.

The party joins back up! Leave town and go back to Centro Keep, then keep following the ! to Lotano Villa.

Lotano Villa

WARNING: There are enemies that inflict blindness and poison!

Poison in this game works a lot like others. Once your character is inflicted, he/she is hurt each of his/her turn during combat. Outside of combat, the more you move, the more your character will be hurt until healed.

Items in the area:
  • Ether at 1F
  • Antidote at 1F
  • Potion at 2F
  • 400PG at 2F
  • Spear at 1F
  • White Cape at 2F
  • Phoenix Down at 3F
  • Blue Chest at 3F
These blue chests are currently locked and will be locked for majority of the game. Just keep in mind where they are located.

  • 3F

Cait Sith
HP: 45
Weak: Water
Abilities: Blind

HP:  Easy: 120  Normal: 160  Hard: 216
Weak: Fire
Abilities: Footwork

HP:  Easy: 60  Normal: 80  Hard: 108
Weak: Wind, Dark
Abilities: Cure

Sky Archer
HP:  Easy: 90  Normal: 120  Hard: 162
Weak: Lightning
Abilities: Poison Arrow

Sky Dueler
HP:  Easy: 90  Normal: 120  Hard: 162
Weak: Lightning
Abilities: Prey On Weak

Sky Pikeman
HP:  Easy: 90  Normal: 120  Hard: 162
Weak: Lightning
Abilities: Mow Down

HP:  Easy: 60  Normal: 80  Hard: 108
Weak; Fire
Abilities: Bite

Reach the area where Heinkel and the King are located, fight the Sky Dueler, Sky Pikeman, and two Sky Archers to be able to follow them outside.

Argent Heinkel

HP:  Easy: 1800  Normal: 2400  Hard: 3240
Weak: Lightning
Abilities: Ironclad, Protect Ally, Shield Strike, Stomp

Try to make sure that you have a black mage for this battle, it makes it so much easier as he is weak to lightning. He will have two wimpy sky knights by his side- don't even worry about them. Hit Heinkel with everything and have your black mage target all enemies to get rid of the sky knights. Be sure to heal through his stomps.


A well rounded warrior with excellent offense and defense!
-High physical defense
-Favors swords, shields, and armor

Specialty: Protect Ally
Job Command: Chivalry

Best Weapons: Swords

After this boss battle, you will have gained the Eschalot! 

Go back to Caldisla, be sure to heal, then go to the palace.

Leave town and go to the lake to fly to the Harena Desert.

Saturday, October 3, 2015

Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag Guide: Templar Keys & Legendary Ships

Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag

Templar Keys & Legendary Ships

WARNING: This guide could contain spoilers! Please keep that in mind as you read.
Note: I played the Xbox 360 version.

Opia Apito

The Taino Assassin

Start this side quest by going to Cayman Sound (327, 334) and talk to Opia. She's going to challenge you to a hunting contest. Use your Eagle Vision to find animals, then kill them quickly and skin them. After you skin four animals, a white jaguar will spawn. Kill it to finish the quest. Make sure to keep the skin if you plan on crafting the clothing that goes with it.

Templar Ships

Sail to Grand Cayman (397, 324) and meet up with Opia again. Follow her throughout the town. When she's finished talking, use Eagle Vision to find Alvin. Eavesdrop and follow him, then pickpocket him when finished.

Right-Hand Man

Go talk to Opia on Grand Cayman again. Follow her through the town again, and when she tells you to hide, jumps into the palm leaves pile nearby. After the cutscene, chase after Vargas and jump onto the Jackdaw. Incapacitate Vargas's ship, then board it.

The Trail of Lucia Marquez

Sail to Pinos Isle (335, 469) and talk to Opia. Tail the guard with her. It's really easy if you mirror her movements. Once you two are done following, take out all the guards. Now a second wave of guards will come, take them out, also. Finally, chase after Lucia and assassinate her to get her key.

Rhona Dinsmore

Bureau Under Attack

Havana is where it all starts with this series of Templar side quests. Meet up with Rhona Dinsmore. Help her clear out the guards by taking them out during waves. When there isn't a wave, Rhona will have you grab a powder keg and set it down somewhere where the guards will run over it. Shoot it when they get near. There will only be four waves, then you're done.

A Thief in the Market

Talk to Rhona again where she tells you to find a thief. Run over to the market and search for him with Eagle Vision. Chase after him and tackle him to finish the quest.

Arms Race

Meet with Rhona to start this quest. She will tell you to take out powder reserves. These areas are heavily guarded. Take out the guards either by killing them or knocking them out with sleep darts. Light the kegs and run away. You only need to blow up three.

Flint's End

Rhona will want to end things finally. This little mission is annoying. She will distract all the guards down by the docks while Edward is supposed to go after Flint. He will start running away after a minute of watching her. Chase after and assassinate him. The annoying part is that if you're not quick enough, Rhona will die. It took a few tries for me to get.


The Maroon Assassin

Sail to Kingston to meet up with Anto. After talking to him, eavesdrop on some guards throughout the town. After a while, they will start running. Run after and tackle one to finish.

Recruiting Maroons

Find and talk to Anto again. While the guards are fighting, find and free the slaves while taking out guards that are too close or annoying. You only need to free three to be done.

Under Attack

Run to the bureau to defend it. This will go in a certain order. First kill off the guards at the bureau, then run over to the checkpoint and kill the guards there, then go back to the bureau. This will go on for a bit before the guards stop coming.

The Commander's Ruse

Meet up with Anto again. Follow the guard throughout the town. Once they reach the area, go back towards the plantation house and use Eagle Vision to find your man. Kill him, then run away to finish this side quest.

Vance Travers

Oh Brother...

Meet up with Vance in Nassau. Find some guards to tail and eavesdrop until they lead you to the target, Upton. Take him out, oh nevermind. He's a good guy.

The Other Brother

Find and talk to Upton. Now, tail him and Vance while eavesdropping. When a spy shows up, take him out. They will keep showing up throughout this mission. Just keep following and eavesdropping until you need to take out Upton's assassin.

Upton's Sorrow

Find Upton and defend him. Basically, this is a constant protect Upton quest. Pretty basic and easy.

Queen of Pirates, King of Fools

Find and talk to Upton. Go to the swamp to find the two love birds. I used the branches in the trees to easily move around, but be careful guards can still see you occasionally. You will reach a little island camp near the back of the swamp where they are hanging out. Take out Vance, then chase after Jing and kill her.

Once that is all done, go back to the island where you found the armor, then unlock it with all of your keys. This armor is pretty sweet because Edward will take less damage.

Legendary Ships

Before setting out to take out the legendary ships, make sure that at least majority of the Jackdaw is fully upgraded. These ships are hard, fast, and hit hard. Do not try to board these ships; if Edward touches the ship, he is instantly killed.

HMS Fearless and Royal Sovereign

The second hardest legendary ship.

These two ships are located in the north-eastern corner of the map in the Eleuthera region. These ships' strategies are to get on either sides of the Jackdaw and fire continuous shots. The easiest strategy is to chain shot, then ram a ship. Try to stay on the outside of the two ships so that they don't surround the Jackdaw. Instead of focusing on taking down one ship at a time, try to get both low. When one sinks, the other will light itself on fire and ram the Jackdaw.

El Impoluto

The hardest legendary ship.

This ship is located in the north-western corner of the map in the Dry Tortuga region. This ship likes to ram the Jackdaw. Now, this ram is not any ordinary ram. Instead, this ram can take out the Jackdaw's whole health bar in one hit. This ship is also extremely swift, making it hard to ram it back.
Try to use mortars and mainly heavy shots to take down the ship. Be patient and avoid the ram at all costs. If it gets behind you, let off some fire barrels.

HMS Prince

The easiest legendary ship.

This ship is located in the south-eastern corner of the map in the Navassa region. The main strategy of the HMS Prince is to fire many mortars onto the Jackdaw. When you reach the area, it will be foggy. When lightning strikes, you should be able to see the ship. Get up close to it so that it can't use the mortars on you. Ramming and using chain shots is the easiest strategy.

La Dama Negra

The second easiest legendary ship.

This ship is located in the south-western corner of the map in the Serranilla region. This ship likes to shoot mortars, however it does not show where the mortars will land, making it very difficult and annoying. An even more annoying portion of this ship is that the sides are armored so heavily that it is pointless hitting them. Keep an eye on the ship when the Jackdaw is far away. When it fires mortars, change which direction you are currently going; La Dama Negra aims for where your bow will be. Stay nearby the ship and close to the rear. Ram and shoot heavy shots when you have a clear shot at the rear.

More Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag!

Sequence 1 & 2
Sequence 3 & 4
Sequence 5 & 6
Sequence 7 & 8
Sequence 9 & 10
Sequence 11 & 12
Collectables & Buried Treasure

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag Guide: Collectables & Buried Treasure

Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag

Collectables & Buried Treasure

WARNING: This guide could contain spoilers! Please keep that in mind as you read.

The Collectables

Chests: Often times contain small amounts of money, they are the stereotypical treasure chests that glow and make a distinct noise when near them.
Animus Fragments: Orange glowing orbs that don't really serve a purpose.
Song Sheets: Little sea shanties that your crew will sing while sailing. They glow and fly away when you get near them. Chase it down to obtain the song.
Cadaver: Loot from a dead body to find a treasure map. These maps lead to plans to upgrade items.
Letter: Found in a glass bottle.
Manuscript: Papers that are usually guarded by enemies.
Mayan Stelae: Pillars to climb up and solve little puzzles that show you where to dig up the stelae. Collecting them will unlock the Mayan outfit.
Taverns: A place to play a game, recruit new crew members, or get information. To unlock it, interact with the bartender to initiate a cut scene. Edward beats up some guys, then it's unlocked.
Assassin Contracts: A birdcage with contracts for assassinating some guys.
Naval Contracts: A man assigns these to you, but they work similarly to the assassination contracts.

The Islands & Shipwrecks

Ambergris Key
Chests     3
Fragments     2
Cadaver     1

Andreas Island
Chests     5
Fragments     2
Cadaver     1
Letter     1
Manuscript     1
Tavern     1
Assassinations     2

Anotto Bay
Chests     3
Fragments     2
Cadaver     1

Antocha Wreck
Chests      7
Fragments      2

Chests     5
Fragments     3
Tavern     1
Assassinations     2

The Black Trench
Chests     7
Fragments     2

The Blue Hole
Chests     7
Fragments     3

Cabo de Cruz

Chests     2
Fragments     2
Naval     1

Cape Bonavista

Chests     16
Fragments     4
Songs     1
So Early in the Morning
Cadaver     1
Letter     1
Mayan stelae     1

Castillo de Jagua

Chests     2
Fragments     2
Naval    1

Cat Island
Chests     5
Fragments     2
Songs     1
The Rio Grande
Mayan stelae     1

Cayman Sound
Chests     3
Fragments     3
Cadaver    1
Letter     1

Chests     2
Fragments     2
Naval     2

Chests     2
Fragments     2
Naval     2

Chests     2
Fragments     2
Naval     2

Chests     4
Fragments     2
Cadaver     1
Manuscript      1
Letter     1
Tavern     1
Assassinations     2

Crooked Island
Chests     6
Fragments     3
Letter     1
Tavern     1
Assassinations     2

Cumberland Bay
Chests     3
Fragments     2
Cadaver     1
Letter    1

Devil's Eye Cavern
Chests     8
Fragments     2

Dry Tortuga
Chests     2
Fragments     2
Naval     1

Chests     2
Fragments     2
Naval     1

Chests     2
Fragments     2
Letter     1

Chests     2
Fragments     2
Naval     1

Grand Cayman
Chests     6
Fragments     3
Songs     1
Captain Kidd
Tavern     1
Assassinations     2

Great Inagua
Chests     10
Fragments     5
Songs     2
Whiskey Johnny
The Wild Goose
Cadaver     1
Letter     1
Mayan stelae     1

Chests      20
Fragments      15
Songs     7
The Dead Horse
Billy Riley
Bully in the Alley
Derby Ram
Spanish Ladies
The Coasts of High Barbary
Running Down to Cuba
Cadaver     1
Manuscript     6
Tavern     1
Assassinations     6

Ile a Vache
Chests     4
Fragments     2
Cadaver     1
Manuscript     1
Tavern     1
Assassinations     2

Isle Providencia
Chests     9
Fragments     5
Cadaver     1
Letter     1
Mayan stelae     2

Chests     4
Fragments     2
Letter     1

Kabah Ruins
Chests     8
Fragments     3

Chests     18
Fragments     13
Songs     6
Handy Me Boys
Good Morning Ladies All
Hi-Ho Come Roll Me Over
Roll and Go
Cheerly Man
Sailboat Malarkey
Manuscript     6
Tavern     1
Assassinations     6

La Concepcion Wreck
Chests     7
Fragments     3

Long Bay
Chests     8
Fragments     5
Letter     1
Mayan stelae     1

Chests     4
Fragments      2
Cadaver      1

Chests     4
Fragments     3
Letter     1
Mayan stelae     1

Chests     6
Fragments     2
Cadaver     1
Letter     1
Mayan stelae     2

Chests     22
Fragments     13
Songs     5
Stormalong John
Drunken Sailor
Randy Dandy-O
Paddy Doyle's Boots
Leave Her, Johnny
Manuscript     5
Tavern     1
Assassinations     2

Chests     2
Fragments     2
Naval     2

New Bone
Chests     5
Fragments     3
Mayan stelae     1
Assassinations     2

Petite Caverne
Chests     4
Fragments     2
Cadaver     1

Pinos Isle
Chests     6
Fragments     3
Cadaver     1
Mayan stelae     1

Chests    6
Fragments     5

Punta Guarico
Chests     2
Fragments     2
Naval     1

Salt Key Bank
Chests     6
Fragments     3
Songs     1
Fish in the Sea
Letter     1

Salt Lagoon
Chests     3
Fragments     2
Cadaver     1

San Ignacio Wreck
Chests     6
Fragments     3

San Juan
Chests     3
Fragments     2

Chests     5
Fragments    3
Cadaver     1
Letter     1
Mayan stelae     2

Chests     2
Fragments     2
Naval     1

Chests     7
Fragments     2
Cadaver     1
Letter     1
Mayan stelae     1

Chests     7
Fragments     5
Mayan stelae     1

Buried Treasure

As you go along on your adventure, you'll notice that cadavers are more than just collectables. After searching the corpses, you'll find a treasure map with a picture drawn and some numbers at the bottom right. If you use those numbers in the bottom as coordinates on your map, they should lead to the island with the treasure on it. Follow the clues on the map to find the treasure.

Cadaver location: Havana
Treasure location: Havana
Treasure: Plans for Queen Anne's Figurehead and 3,000R

Cadaver location: Great Inagua
Treasure location: Nassau
Treasure: Plans for Grey Sails and 3,000R

Cadaver location: Isla Providencia
Treasure location: Long Bay
Treasure: 4,000R

Cadaver location: Cape Bonavista
Treasure location: Cape Bonavista
Treasure: 1,500R

Cadaver location: Petite Cavern
Treasure location: Tulum
Treasure: 4,000R

 Cadaver location: Ambergris Key
Treasure location: Misteriosa
Treasure: Plans for Elite Heavy Shot and 3,000R

Cadaver location: Anotto Bay
Treasure location: Principe
Treasure: 3,000R

Cadaver location: Misteriosa
Treasure location: Kingston
Treasure: Plans for Blackwood Wheel and 3,000R

Cadaver location: Pinos Isle
Treasure location: Cayman Sound
Treasure: 4,000R

Cadaver location: Tortuga
Treasure location: Dry Tortuga
Treasure: Plans for Elite Mortar Storage and 3,000R

Cadaver location: Abaco Island
Treasure location: Salt Lagoon
Treasure: Plans for Serpent Figurehead and 3,000R

Cadaver location: Corozal
Treasure location: Ambergris Key
Treasure: 4,000R

Cadaver location: Ile a Vache
Treasure location: Jiguey
Treasure: 4,000R

Cadaver location: Andreas Island
Treasure location: Abaco Island
Treasure: 4,000R

Cadaver location: Salt Lagoon
Treasure location: New Bone
Treasure: 4,000R

Cadaver location: Santanillas
Treasure location: San Juan
Treasure: Plans for Elite Fire Barrel Strength and 3,000R

Cadaver location: Cumberland Bay
Treasure location: Pinos Isle
Treasure: Plans for Aquila's Wheel and 3,000R

Cadaver location: Mariguana Island
Treasure location: Andreas Island
Treasure: Plans for Elite Harpoon and 3,000R

Cadaver location: Cayman Sound
Treasure location: Petite Cavern
Treasure: Plans for Elite Heavy Shot Storage and 3,000R

More Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag!

Sequence 1 & 2
Sequence 3 & 4
Sequence 5 & 6
Sequence 7 & 8
Sequence 9 & 10
Sequence 11 & 12
Templar Keys & Legendary Ships

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag Guide: Sequence 11 & 12

Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag

Sequence 11 & 12

WARNING: This guide could contain spoilers! Please keep that in mind as you read.
Note: I played the Xbox 360 version.

Sequence 11

To Suffer Without Dying
100% objectives:
  • Sabotage alarm bells (3)
  • Visit old friends (2)
You start off this mission in a cage, so shake the cage by pressing any button. Make sure to sabotage 3 alarm bells in the area if you are going for the objective. Before sneaking into the prison, there will be a cage outside to interact with for the other objective. Once inside the prison, take out all the guards you come up upon and check each cell for more of the objective. Keep going until you reach Mary. Pick her up and reach the exit, then run to the objective.

No 100% objectives

When you first gain control, just keep crawling forward until you are underwater. Then, swim to the top. Now, you are at some sort of social function. Assassinate Roberts when you locate him. Nope. Find him again and assassinate him again. Keep trying until you are on your ship, sailing.

...Everything is Permitted
100% objectives:

  • Use rope dart to hang guards (2)
  • Use rope dart to pull guards (3)
Sail to Tulum to begin this mission. Follow Ah Tabai until he gives you the rope dart (Finally, the game's almost over!). Go into the jungle and learn how to use it properly. Once done learning, run to the beach and use the skills you have learned on guards. Once 20 guards have been killed, run towards the captain to assassinate him.

Sequence 12

A Governor No Longer
100% objectives:
  • Kill the diplomat from a haystack
  • Kill Rogers from a bench
Sail to Kingston and meet up with the assassins. Find the Italian diplomat at the beach and tail him throughout the town, being careful and hiding like before. He will stop next to a haystack, when he's done walking, so kill him from there. Now, head to the party. To your left, there will be a bench under a shaded area. Sit there until Rogers makes his rounds to eventually walk by you. Assassinate him, then run away to end the mission.

Royal Misfortune
100% objectives:
  • Use the rope dart to kill Roberts
  • Kill guards by destroying powder barrels (8)
Sail to Africa to meet up with Roberts. Get onto shore like before and make your way towards the marker on the map. Keep an eye out for powder barrels along the way, making sure to shoot them when a guard is near. Use Eagle Vision to spot Roberts, then chase after him on the Jackdaw. Incapacitate his ship, then board it. Make sure to climb up the ropes so that you can use the rope dart on him.

Tainted Blood
100% objectives:
  • Use guards as a human shield (2)
  • Stay out of combat
Sail to Havana to begin this mission. Keep an eye out because Havana is completely covered in a restricted zone. Go towards the church to find the men you need to tail. They will be by an entrance. When I did this, they did not load. If it does that, get desynchronized or restart, and they should be there. Use Eagle Vision to spot them. Follow them through the city, being careful not to be spotted.

Once they reach the fort, go around the left side again. Once you are at the top, locate Torres, then assassinate him. That wasn't him. Fight El Tiburon using your pistols as nothing else works on him. Obviously, the stay out of combat objective does not count for this portion. Be sure to use some guards hanging around as a human shield, then take him out. 

Ever a Splinter
100% objectives:
  • Free the guardian hostages (7)
  • Use the observatory's defenses to kill guards (4)
When you get to the location, there will be two Man O' Wars. You could either fight them head on, or go harpoon a shark, then come back. They will be occupied with another ship, allowing you to slip by. Jump off the Jackdaw, then run to the jungle. Make sure to take out the guards that are killing guardians as you go. Get to the observatory to see a light that kill people it touches. Avoid that if you can. Climb up pillars, taking out guards as you go until you make it to the main room.

Use the light to take out the guards, but be very careful as it is an instant kill. When finished, climb up like you did last time, getting close to Torres. Keep avoiding the light as you go, too. Once you are on the bean above Torres, assassinate him to finish it all.

Abstergo 5

All there is to do is watch the cut scenes then return to the animus to watch more cut scenes.

More Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag!

Sequence 1 & 2
Sequence 3 & 4
Sequence 5 & 6
Sequence 7 & 8
Sequence 9 & 10
Collectables & Buried Treasure
Templar Keys & Legendary Ships